#!/usr/bin/perl -w ########################################################################### # # title_icon.pl # # A component of the Greenstone digital library software # from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the # University of Waikato, New Zealand. # # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 New Zealand Digital Library Project # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # ########################################################################### # title_icon.pl # # This script generates collection title icons for greenstone. # # This version has been rewritten for the GIMP Version 1.2. You # should be able to run it if you install gimp 1.2 with perl support. # In Debian this means running "apt-get install gimp1.2 gimp1.2perl" BEGIN { die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'}; unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib"); } use Gimp ":auto"; use Gimp::Fu; use util; use unicode; # set trace level to watch functions as they are executed #Gimp::set_trace(TRACE_ALL); #Gimp::set_trace(TRACE_CALL); my $gsdl_green = "#96c19b"; my $black = "#000000"; my $white = "#FFFFFF"; my ($current_dir) = `pwd`; chomp($current_dir); my ($text, $filename, $image_dir, $size, $width, $height, $stripecolor, $stripewidth, $stripe_alignment, $textspace_x, $textspace_y, $dont_wrap, $imagefile, $imageheight, $i_transparency, $bgcolor, $fontcolor, $fontsize, $minfontsize, $text_alignment, $foundry, $fontname, $fontweight, $fontslant, $fontwidth, $fontspacing, $cfg_file); sub reset_options { $image_dir = "./"; $imagefile = ""; $width = int (150 * $size); $height = int (44 * $size); $imageheight = int (110 * $size); $stripecolor = $gsdl_green; $stripewidth = int (40 * $size); $stripe_alignment = "left"; $i_transparency = 60; $text = ""; $text_alignment = "left"; $filename = ""; $textspace_x = int (3 * $size); $textspace_y = int (3 * $size); $bgcolor = $gsdl_green; $fontcolor = $black; $fontsize = int (17 * $size); $minfontsize = int (10 * $size); $foundry = "*"; $fontname = "lucida"; $fontweight = "medium"; $fontslant = "r"; $fontwidth = "*"; $fontspacing = "*"; } sub gsdl_title_icon { ($text, $filename, $image_dir, $size, $width, $height, $stripecolor, $stripewidth, $stripe_alignment, $textspace_x, $textspace_y, $dont_wrap, $imagefile, $imageheight, $i_transparency, $bgcolor, $fontcolor, $fontsize, $minfontsize, $text_alignment, $foundry, $fontname, $fontweight, $fontslant, $fontwidth, $fontspacing, $cfg_file) = @_; # Create images using a configuration file if ($cfg_file =~ /\w/) { open (CONF, $cfg_file) || die "couldn't open cfg_file $cfg_file\n"; while (1) { &reset_options (); # read image configuration entry my $status = &read_config_entry (CONF); if ($filename !~ /\w/) { if ($status) {last;} else {next;} } &produce_image (); if ($status) {last;} } close CONF; } # Create a single image from the parameters we have else { &produce_image (); } } sub produce_image { &adjust_args (); &wrap_text () unless $dont_wrap; my $use_image = 0; if ($imagefile =~ /\w/) { if (!-r $imagefile) { print STDERR "WARNING (title_icon.pl): imagefile '$imagefile cannot be "; print STDERR "read - $filename will be created without the use of an image file\n"; } else { $use_image = 1; $height = $imageheight; } } # create the image my $image = gimp_image_new ($width, $height, RGB_IMAGE); # create and add the background layer my $backlayer = gimp_layer_new ($image, $width, $height, RGB_IMAGE, "BGLayer", 100, NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer ($image, $backlayer, 0); # clear the background gimp_selection_all ($image); gimp_edit_clear ($backlayer); gimp_selection_none ($image); # fill in stripe if ($stripewidth > 0) { gimp_palette_set_foreground ($stripecolor); if ($stripe_alignment eq "left") { gimp_rect_select ($image, 0, 0, $stripewidth, $height, 0, 0, 0); } else { gimp_rect_select ($image, $width-$stripewidth, 0, $stripewidth, $height, 0, 0, 0); } gimp_bucket_fill ($backlayer, FG_BUCKET_FILL, NORMAL_MODE, 100, 0, 1, 0, 0); gimp_selection_none ($image); } # get image file (image goes on opposite side to stripe) if ($use_image) { my $rimage = gimp_file_load (RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, $imagefile, $imagefile); my $rdraw = gimp_image_active_drawable ($rimage); gimp_scale ($rdraw, 1, 0, 0, $width-$stripewidth, $height); gimp_edit_copy ($rdraw); # add the background image layer my $imagelayer = gimp_layer_new ($image, $width, $height, RGB_IMAGE, "ImageLayer", $i_transparency, NORMAL_MODE); gimp_image_add_layer ($image, $imagelayer, 0); # clear the new layer gimp_selection_all ($image); gimp_edit_clear ($imagelayer); gimp_selection_none ($image); my $flayer = gimp_edit_paste ($imagelayer, 1); if ($stripe_alignment eq "left") { gimp_layer_set_offsets($flayer, $stripewidth, 0); gimp_layer_set_offsets($imagelayer, $stripewidth, 0); } else { gimp_layer_set_offsets($flayer, 0, 0); gimp_layer_set_offsets($imagelayer, 0, 0); } } # flatten the image (otherwise the text will be "behind" the image) $backlayer = gimp_image_flatten ($image); # set colour of text gimp_palette_set_foreground ($fontcolor); # set the text if there is any my ($textlayer, $textheight, $textwidth); my $fsize = $fontsize; if (length($text)) { $text =~ s/\\n/\n/gi; while (1) { $textlayer = gimp_text ($image, $backlayer, 0, 0, $text, 0, 1, $fsize, PIXELS, $foundry, $fontname, $fontweight, $fontslant, $fontwidth, $fontspacing, "*", "*"); # check that text fits within image $textwidth = gimp_drawable_width($textlayer); $textheight = gimp_drawable_height($textlayer); if ((($textwidth + $textspace_x) > $width) || (($textheight + $textspace_y) > $height)) { if ($fsize < $minfontsize) { die "Error (title_icon.pl): text '$text' doesn't fit on ${width}x${height} image " . "(minimum font size tried: $minfontsize\n"; } else { gimp_selection_all ($image); gimp_edit_clear ($image, $textlayer); gimp_selection_none ($image); $fsize --; print STDERR "WARNING (title_icon.pl): '$text' doesn't fit: reducing font size to $fsize\n"; } } else { last; } } # align text if ($text_alignment eq "left") { gimp_layer_set_offsets ($textlayer, $textspace_x, $textspace_y); } else { gimp_layer_set_offsets ($textlayer, ($width-$textwidth)-$textspace_x, $textspace_y); } } # flatten the image my $finishedlayer = gimp_image_flatten ($image); if ($filename =~ /\.gif$/i) { # make indexed colour (may need to do this for # other formats as well as gif) gimp_convert_indexed ($image, 0, 256); } # save image my $filename = &util::filename_cat ($image_dir, $filename); gimp_file_save (RUN_NONINTERACTIVE, $image, $finishedlayer, $filename, $filename); } # returns 1 if this is the last entry, sub read_config_entry { my ($handle) = @_; my $line = ""; while (defined ($line = <$handle>)) { next unless $line =~ /\w/; my @line = (); if ($line =~ /^\-+/) {return 0;} $line =~ s/^\#.*$//; # remove comments $line =~ s/\cM|\cJ//g; # remove end-of-line characters $line =~ s/^\s+//; # remove initial white space while ($line =~ s/\s*(\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\'|\S+)\s*//) { if (defined $1) { # remove any enclosing quotes my $entry = $1; $entry =~ s/^([\"\'])(.*)\1$/$2/; # substitute any environment variables $entry =~ s/\$(\w+)/$ENV{$1}/g; $entry =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/$ENV{$1}/g; push (@line, $entry); } else { push (@line, ""); } } if (scalar (@line) == 2 && defined ${$line[0]}) { ${$line[0]} = $line[1]; } } return 1; } # adjust arguments that are effected by the size argument sub adjust_args { if ($size != 1) { $width *= $size; $height *= $size; $imageheight *= $size; $stripewidth *= $size; $textspace_x *= $size; $textspace_y *= $size; $fontsize *= $size; $minfontsize *= $size; } } sub wrap_text { # don't wrap text if it already contains carriage returns return if $text =~ /\n/; # the following assumes that all words are less than $wrap_length long my $wrap_length = 14; my $new_text = ""; while (length ($text) >= $wrap_length) { my $line = substr ($text, 0, $wrap_length); $text =~ s/^$line//; $line =~ s/\s([^\s]*)$/\n/; $text = $1 . $text; $new_text .= $line; } $new_text .= $text; $text = $new_text; } register("gsdl_title_icon", "Create title icons for gsdl (gimp version 1.2)", "", "Stefan Boddie (1.0) and Gordon Paynter (1.2)", "Copyright 1999-2001 The New Zealand Digital Library Project", "2000-03-10", "/Xtns/gsdl_title_icon", "*", [ [PF_STRING, "text", "Text appearing on icon", "greenstone collection"], [PF_STRING, "filename", "Output file", "title_icon.png"], [PF_STRING, "image_dir", "Directory to create images in", $current_dir], [PF_INT, "size_ratio", "Size factor: a factor of 2 doulbles image size", 1], [PF_INT, "width", "Width of the icon", 150], [PF_INT, "height", "Height of the icon", 44], [PF_STRING, "stripecolor", "Colour of the stripe", $gsdl_green], [PF_INT, "stripewidth", "Width of the stripe", 40], [PF_STRING, "stripealign", "Alignment of stripe (left or right)", "left"], [PF_INT, "text_x_offset", "Distance from left of image to text", 3], [PF_INT, "text_y_offset", "Distance from top of image to text", 3], [PF_STRING, "dont_wrap", "don't attempt to wrap text", ""], [PF_STRING, "imagefile", "Filename of background image", ""], [PF_INT, "imageheight", "Height of background image", 110], [PF_INT, "imagetransp", "Transparency of background image (1-100)", 60], # [PF_STRING, "fgcolor", "Foreground colour (top) of bar", $white], [PF_STRING, "bgcolor", "Background colour (bottom) of bar", $gsdl_green], [PF_STRING, "fontcolor", "Colour of text on bar", $black], [PF_INT, "fontsize", "Font size", 17], [PF_INT, "minfontsize", "Minimum font size if scaling required", 10], [PF_STRING, "alignment", "Alignment of text on the icon (left or right)", "left"], [PF_STRING, "foundry", "Font foundry", "*"], [PF_STRING, "fontname", "Font name", "lucida"], [PF_STRING, "fontweight", "Font weight", "medium"], [PF_STRING, "fontslant", "Font slant", "r"], [PF_STRING, "fontwidth", "Font width", "*"], [PF_STRING, "fontspacing", "Font spacing", "*"], [PF_STRING, "cfg_file", "Configuration file", ""] ], \&gsdl_title_icon); exit main;