#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# gti.pl
# A component of the Greenstone digital library software
# from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
# University of Waikato, New Zealand.
# Copyright (C) 2005 New Zealand Digital Library Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
die "GSDLHOME not set\n" unless defined $ENV{'GSDLHOME'};
unshift (@INC, "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/perllib");
use iso639;
use strict;
use util;
#my $anonymous_cvs_root = ":pserver:cvs_anon\@cvs.scms.waikato.ac.nz:2402/usr/local/global-cvs/gsdl-src";
#my $anonymous_svn_root = "http://http://svn.greenstone.org/gsdl/trunk/";
my $gsdl_root_directory = "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}";
my $gti_log_file = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, "etc", "gti.log");
my $source_language_code = "en"; # This is non-negiotable
my $gti_translation_files =
[ # Greenstone macrofiles
{ 'key' => "coredm",
'file_type' => "macrofile",
'source_file' => "macros/english.dm",
'target_file' => "macros/{bn:bengali;fa:farsi;gd:gaelic;id:indo;lv:latvian;pt-br:port-br;pt-pt:port-pt;zh-tr:chinese-trad;iso_639_1_target_language_name}.dm" },
{ 'key' => "auxdm",
'file_type' => "macrofile",
'source_file' => "macros/english2.dm",
'target_file' => "macros/{bn:bengali;fa:farsi;gd:gaelic;id:indo;lv:latvian;pt-br:port-br;pt-pt:port-pt;zh-tr:chinese-trad;iso_639_1_target_language_name}2.dm" },
# GLI dictionary
{ 'key' => "glidict",
'file_type' => "resource_bundle",
'source_file' => "gli/classes/dictionary.properties",
'target_file' => "gli/classes/dictionary_{target_language_code}.properties" },
# GLI help
{ 'key' => "glihelp",
'file_type' => "greenstone_xml",
'source_file' => "gli/help/en/help.xml",
'target_file' => "gli/help/{target_language_code}/help.xml" },
# Greenstone Perl modules
{ 'key' => "perlmodules",
'file_type' => "resource_bundle",
'source_file' => "perllib/strings.properties",
'target_file' => "perllib/strings_{target_language_code}.properties" },
# Greenstone tutorial exercises
# { 'key' => "tutorials",
# 'file_type' => "greenstone_xml",
# 'source_file' => "gsdl-documentation/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_en.xml",
# 'target_file' => "gsdl-documentation/tutorials/xml-source/tutorial_{target_language_code}.xml" },
# new Greenstone.org
{ 'key' => "greenorg",
'file_type' => "resource_bundle",
'source_file' => "greenstoneorg/website/classes/Gsc.properties",
'target_file' => "greenstoneorg/website/classes/Gsc_{iso_639_1_target_language_name}.properties"
# 'file_type' => "macrofile",
# 'source_file' => "greenorg/macros/english.dm",
# 'target_file' => "greenorg/macros/{iso_639_1_target_language_name}.dm"
# { 'key' => "gs3interface",
#'file_type' => "resource_bundle",
#'source_file' => "greenstone3",
#'target_file' => "greenstone3"
my @gs3_interface_files = ("AbstractBrowse", "AbstractGS2FieldSearch", "Authentication", "CrossCollectionSearch", "GATEServices", "GS2Construct", "GS2LuceneSearch", "interface_default", "interface_nzdl", "IViaSearch", "LuceneSearch", "MapRetrieve", "MapSearch", "metadata_names", "PhindPhraseBrowse", "QBRWebServicesHelp", "Visualizer");
sub main
# Get the command to process, and any arguments
my $gti_command = shift(@_);
my @gti_command_arguments = @_;
my $module = $_[1];
# Open the GTI log file for appending, or write to STDERR if that fails
if (!open(GTI_LOG, ">>$gti_log_file")) {
open(GTI_LOG, ">&STDERR");
# Log the command that launched this script
&log_message("Command: $0 @ARGV");
# Check that a command was supplied
if (!$gti_command) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command.");
# Process the command
if ($gti_command =~ /^get-all-chunks$/i) {
# Check that GS3 interface is the target
if ($module eq "gs3interface") {
print &get_all_chunks_for_gs3(@gti_command_arguments);
} else {
print &get_all_chunks(@gti_command_arguments);
if ($gti_command =~ /^get-first-n-chunks-requiring-work$/i) {
if ($module eq "gs3interface") {
print &get_first_n_chunks_requiring_work_for_gs3(@gti_command_arguments);
} else {
print &get_first_n_chunks_requiring_work(@gti_command_arguments);
if ($gti_command =~ /^get-language-status$/i) {
print &get_language_status(@gti_command_arguments);
if ($gti_command =~ /^search-chunks$/i) {
print &search_chunks(@gti_command_arguments);
if ($gti_command =~ /^submit-translations$/i) {
# This command cannot produce any output since it reads input
if ($gti_command =~ /^create-glihelp-zip-file$/i) {
# This command cannot produce any output since it reads input
# else {
# The command was not recognized
#&throw_fatal_error("Unknown command \"$gti_command\".");
sub throw_fatal_error
my $error_message = shift(@_);
# Write an XML error response
print "\n";
print "\n";
print " " . $error_message . "\n";
print "\n";
# Log the error message, then die
&log_message("Error: $error_message");
die "\n";
sub log_message
my $log_message = shift(@_);
print GTI_LOG time() . " -- " . $log_message . "\n";
sub get_all_chunks
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# The key of the file to translate (ensure it is lowercase)
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code || !$translation_file_key) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type)
= &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
# Parse the source language and target language files
my $source_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file);
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines($source_file_path);
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
my @target_file_lines = &read_file_lines($target_file_path);
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
# Filter out any automatically translated chunks
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
if (&is_chunk_automatically_translated($chunk_key, $translation_file_type)) {
delete $source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
my %source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($source_file, \@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($target_file, \@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my $xml_response = &create_xml_response_for_all_chunks($translation_file_key, $target_file, \%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
return $xml_response;
sub get_first_n_chunks_requiring_work
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# The key of the file to translate (ensure it is lowercase)
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# The number of chunks to return (defaults to one if not specified)
my $num_chunks_to_return = shift(@_) || "1";
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code || !$translation_file_key) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type)
= &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
# Parse the source language and target language files
my $source_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file);
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines($source_file_path);
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
my @target_file_lines = &read_file_lines($target_file_path);
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
# Filter out any automatically translated chunks
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
if (&is_chunk_automatically_translated($chunk_key, $translation_file_type)) {
delete $source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
# Determine the target file chunks requiring translation
my @target_file_keys_requiring_translation = &determine_chunks_requiring_translation(\%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping);
&log_message("Number of target chunks requiring translation: " . scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_translation));
# Determine the target file chunks requiring updating
my %source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($source_file, \@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($target_file, \@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my @target_file_keys_requiring_updating = &determine_chunks_requiring_updating(\%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
&log_message("Number of target chunks requiring updating: " . scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_updating));
my $xml_response = &create_xml_response_for_chunks_requiring_work($translation_file_key, $target_file, scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)), \@target_file_keys_requiring_translation, \@target_file_keys_requiring_updating, $num_chunks_to_return, \%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
return $xml_response;
sub get_language_status
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
# Form an XML response to the command
my $xml_response = "\n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
foreach my $translation_file (@$gti_translation_files) {
my ($num_source_chunks, $num_target_chunks, $num_chunks_requiring_translation, $num_chunks_requiring_updating) = 0;
my $target_file_name = "";
if ($translation_file->{'key'} eq "gs3interface") {
my (%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, %target_file_key_to_text_mapping, %source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, %target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping ) = ();
&build_gs3_configuration($target_language_code, \%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping );
my @target_file_keys_requiring_translation = &determine_chunks_requiring_translation(\%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping);
my @target_file_keys_requiring_updating = &determine_chunks_requiring_updating(\%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
$num_source_chunks = scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping));
$num_target_chunks = scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping));
$num_chunks_requiring_translation = scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_translation);
$num_chunks_requiring_updating = scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_updating);
else {
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type) = &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file->{'key'});
$target_file_name = $target_file;
# Parse the source language and target language files
my $source_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file);
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines($source_file_path);
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
my @target_file_lines = &read_file_lines($target_file_path);
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
# Filter out any automatically translated chunks
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
if (&is_chunk_automatically_translated($chunk_key, $translation_file_type)) {
delete $source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
# Determine the target file chunks requiring translation
my @target_file_keys_requiring_translation = &determine_chunks_requiring_translation(\%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping);
# Determine the target file chunks requiring updating
my @target_file_keys_requiring_updating = ();
if (-e $target_file_path) {
my %source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($source_file, \@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = &build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping($target_file, \@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
@target_file_keys_requiring_updating = &determine_chunks_requiring_updating(\%source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
$num_source_chunks = scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping));
$num_target_chunks = scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping));
$num_chunks_requiring_translation = scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_translation);
$num_chunks_requiring_updating = scalar(@target_file_keys_requiring_updating);
&log_message("Status of " . $translation_file->{'key'});
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . $num_source_chunks);
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . $num_target_chunks);
&log_message("Number of target chunks requiring translation: " . $num_chunks_requiring_translation);
&log_message("Number of target chunks requiring updating: " . $num_chunks_requiring_updating);
$xml_response .= " {'key'} . "\""
. " target_file_path=\"" . $target_file_name . "\""
. " num_chunks_translated=\"" . ($num_source_chunks - $num_chunks_requiring_translation) . "\""
. " num_chunks_requiring_translation=\"" . $num_chunks_requiring_translation . "\""
. " num_chunks_requiring_updating=\"" . $num_chunks_requiring_updating . "\"\/>\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
return $xml_response;
sub search_chunks
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# The key of the file to translate (ensure it is lowercase)
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# The query string
my $query_string = join(' ', @_);
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code || !$translation_file_key || !$query_string) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type) = ();
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = ();
if ($translation_file_key ne "gs3interface") {
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type) = &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
# Parse the source language and target language files
my $source_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file);
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines($source_file_path);
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
my @target_file_lines = &read_file_lines($target_file_path);
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
# Filter out any automatically translated chunks
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
if (&is_chunk_automatically_translated($chunk_key, $translation_file_type)) {
delete $source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
%source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
%target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
else {
# Not needed in this case
my (%source_file_key_to_gti_command_mapping, %target_file_key_to_gti_command_mapping) = ();
&build_gs3_configuration($target_language_code, \%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping,
\%source_file_key_to_gti_command_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_gti_command_mapping);
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
# Determine the target file chunks matching the query
my @target_file_keys_matching_query = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)) {
my $target_file_text = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key};
if ($target_file_text =~ /$query_string/i) {
# &log_message("Chunk with key $chunk_key matches query.");
push(@target_file_keys_matching_query, $chunk_key);
# Form an XML response to the command
my $xml_response = "\n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
foreach my $chunk_key (@target_file_keys_matching_query) {
my $target_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key});
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " $target_file_chunk_text\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
return $xml_response;
sub submit_translations
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# The key of the file to translate (ensure it is lowercase)
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# The username of the translation submitter
my $submitter_username = shift(@_);
# Whether to submit a target chunk even if it hasn't changed
my $force_submission_flag = shift(@_);
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code || !$translation_file_key || !$submitter_username) {
&log_message("Fatal error (but cannot be thrown): Missing command argument.");
die "\n";
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %source_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = ();
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = ();
my (@source_file_lines, @target_file_lines) = ();
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type);
if ($translation_file_key ne "gs3interface") {
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type)
= &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
# Parse the source language and target language files
@source_file_lines = &read_file_lines(&util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file));
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
%source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
%source_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = &build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
@target_file_lines = &read_file_lines(&util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file));
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
%target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
%target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = &build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
else {
&build_gs3_configuration($target_language_code, \%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_text_mapping,
\%source_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping, \%target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping);
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
# Submission date
my $day = (localtime)[3];
my $month = ("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")[(localtime)[4]];
my $year = (localtime)[5] + 1900;
my $submission_date = "$day-$month-$year";
open(SUBMISSION, "-");
my @submission_lines = ;
# Remove any nasty carriage returns
# &log_message("Submission:");
foreach my $submission_line (@submission_lines) {
$submission_line =~ s/\r$//;
#&log_message(" $submission_line");
my %source_file_key_to_submission_mapping = ();
my %target_file_key_to_submission_mapping = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@submission_lines); $i++) {
# Read source file part of submission
if ($submission_lines[$i] =~ /^\/) {
my $chunk_key = $1;
# Read the source file text
my $source_file_chunk_text = "";
while ($i < scalar(@submission_lines) && $submission_lines[$i] !~ /^\<\/SourceFileText\>/) {
$source_file_chunk_text .= $submission_lines[$i];
$source_file_chunk_text =~ s/\n$//; # Strip the extra newline character added
$source_file_chunk_text = &unmake_text_xml_safe($source_file_chunk_text);
#&log_message("Source file key: $chunk_key");
#&log_message("Source file text: $source_file_chunk_text");
$source_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key} = $source_file_chunk_text;
# Read target file part of submission
if ($submission_lines[$i] =~ /^\/) {
my $chunk_key = $1;
# Read the target file text
my $target_file_chunk_text = "";
while ($i < scalar(@submission_lines) && $submission_lines[$i] !~ /^\<\/TargetFileText\>/) {
$target_file_chunk_text .= $submission_lines[$i];
$target_file_chunk_text =~ s/\n$//; # Strip the extra newline character added
$target_file_chunk_text = &unmake_text_xml_safe($target_file_chunk_text);
#&log_message("Target file key: $chunk_key");
#&log_message("Target file text: $target_file_chunk_text");
$target_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key} = $target_file_chunk_text;
# -----------------------------------------
# Validate the translation submissions
# -----------------------------------------
# Check that the translations are valid
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_submission_mapping)) {
# Make sure the submitted chunk still exists in the source file
if (!defined($source_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key})) {
&log_message("Warning: Source chunk $chunk_key no longer exists (ignoring submission).");
delete $source_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key};
# Make sure the submitted source chunk matches the source file chunk
if ($source_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key} ne &unmake_text_xml_safe($source_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key})) {
&log_message("Warning: Source chunk $chunk_key has changed (ignoring submission).");
&log_message("Submission source: $source_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key}");
&log_message(" Source text: $source_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key}");
delete $source_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key};
# Apply the submitted translations
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%target_file_key_to_submission_mapping)) {
# Only apply the submission if it is a change, unless -force_submission has been specified
if ($force_submission_flag || !defined($target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key}) || $target_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key} ne $target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key}) {
$target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key} = $target_file_key_to_submission_mapping{$chunk_key};
$target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping{$chunk_key} = "Updated $submission_date by $submitter_username";
if ($translation_file_key ne "gs3interface") {
eval "&write_translated_${translation_file_type}(\$source_file, \\\@source_file_lines, \\\%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \$target_file, \\\@target_file_lines, \\\%target_file_key_to_text_mapping, \\\%target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping, \$target_language_code)";
} else {
eval "&write_translated_gs3interface(\\\%source_file_key_to_text_mapping, \\\%target_file_key_to_text_mapping, \\\%target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping, \$target_language_code)";
sub create_glihelp_zip_file
my $target_language_code = shift(@_);
my $translation_file_key = "glihelp";
&log_message("Creating GLI Help zip file for $target_language_code");
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type) = &get_translation_data_for($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
my $classpath = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, "gti-lib");
if ( ! -e $classpath) {
&throw_fatal_error("$classpath doesn't exist! Need the files in this directory (ApplyXLST and its related files) to create the zip file for GLI Help");
my $gli_help_directory = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, "gli");
$gli_help_directory = &util::filename_cat($gli_help_directory, "help");
my $gen_many_html_xsl_filepath = &util::filename_cat($gli_help_directory, "gen-many-html.xsl");
if ( ! -e $gen_many_html_xsl_filepath) {
&throw_fatal_error("$gen_many_html_xsl_filepath doesn't exist! Need this file to create the zip file for GLI Help");
my $gen_index_xml_xsl_filepath = &util::filename_cat($gli_help_directory, "gen-index-xml.xsl");
my $split_script_filepath = &util::filename_cat($gli_help_directory, "splithelpdocument.pl");
my $target_file_directory = &util::filename_cat($gli_help_directory, $target_language_code);
$target_file_directory = $target_file_directory."/";
my $target_filepath = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
my $cmd = "/opt/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -cp $classpath:$classpath/xalan.jar ApplyXSLT $target_language_code $gen_many_html_xsl_filepath $target_filepath | perl -S $split_script_filepath $target_file_directory";
my $response = `$cmd`;
&log_message("Created HTML operational files");
$cmd = "/opt/jdk1.6.0/bin/java -cp $classpath:$classpath/xalan.jar ApplyXSLT $target_language_code $gen_index_xml_xsl_filepath $target_filepath > " . $target_file_directory . "help_index.xml"; # 2>/dev/null";
$response = `$cmd`;
&log_message("Created xml index file");
my $zip_file_path = "/greenstone/custom/gti/" . $target_language_code . "_GLIHelp.zip";
$cmd = "zip -rj $zip_file_path $target_file_directory -i \*.htm \*.xml";
$response = `$cmd`;
&log_message("Created the zip file");
sub get_translation_configuration
# Get the code of the target language
my $target_language_code = shift(@_);
# Get the key of the file to translate
my $translation_file_key = shift(@_);
# Read the translation data from the gti.cfg file
my ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type) =
&get_translation_data_for($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
# Check that the file to translate is defined in the gti.cfg file
if (!$source_file || !$target_file || !$translation_file_type) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing or incomplete specification for translation file \"$translation_file_key\" in gti.pl.");
# Check that the source file exists
my $source_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file);
if (!-e $source_file_path) {
&throw_fatal_error("Source file $source_file_path does not exist.");
# Check that the source file is up to date
# The "2>/dev/null" is very important! If it is missing this will never return when run from the receptionist
# unless ($translation_file_is_not_in_cvs) {
#my $source_file_cvs_status = `cd $gsdl_root_directory; cvs -d $anonymous_cvs_root update $source_file 2>/dev/null`;
my $source_file_cvs_status = `cd $gsdl_root_directory; svn status $source_file 2>/dev/null`;
if ($source_file_cvs_status =~ /^C /) {
&throw_fatal_error("Source file $source_file_path conflicts with the repository.");
if ($source_file_cvs_status =~ /^M /) {
&throw_fatal_error("Source file $source_file_path contains uncommitted changes.");
# }
return ($source_file, $target_file, $translation_file_type);
sub get_translation_data_for
my ($target_language_code, $translation_file_key) = @_;
foreach my $translation_file (@$gti_translation_files) {
# If this isn't the correct translation file, move onto the next one
next if ($translation_file_key ne $translation_file->{'key'});
# Resolve the target language file
my $target_language_file = $translation_file->{'target_file'};
if ($target_language_file =~ /(\{.+\;.+\})/) {
my $unresolved_target_language_file_part = $1;
# Check for a special case for the target language code
if ($unresolved_target_language_file_part =~ /(\{|\;)$target_language_code:([^\;]+)(\;|\})/) {
my $resolved_target_language_file_part = $2;
$target_language_file =~ s/$unresolved_target_language_file_part/$resolved_target_language_file_part/;
# Otherwise use the last part as the default value
else {
my ($default_target_language_file_part) = $unresolved_target_language_file_part =~ /([^\;]+)\}/;
$target_language_file =~ s/$unresolved_target_language_file_part/\{$default_target_language_file_part\}/;
# Resolve instances of {iso_639_1_target_language_name}
my $iso_639_1_target_language_name = $iso639::fromiso639{$target_language_code};
$iso_639_1_target_language_name =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/ if $iso_639_1_target_language_name;
$target_language_file =~ s/\{iso_639_1_target_language_name\}/$iso_639_1_target_language_name/g;
# Resolve instances of {target_language_code}
$target_language_file =~ s/\{target_language_code\}/$target_language_code/g;
return ($translation_file->{'source_file'}, $target_language_file, $translation_file->{'file_type'});
return ();
sub read_file_lines
my ($file_path) = @_;
if (!open(FILE_IN, "<$file_path")) {
&log_message("Note: Could not open file $file_path.");
return ();
my @file_lines = ;
return @file_lines;
sub build_key_to_line_mapping
my ($file_lines, $translation_file_type) = @_;
eval "return &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_${translation_file_type}(\@\$file_lines)";
sub build_key_to_text_mapping
my ($file_lines, $key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type) = @_;
my %key_to_text_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$key_to_line_mapping)) {
my $chunk_starting_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping->{$chunk_key}))[0];
my $chunk_finishing_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping->{$chunk_key}))[1];
my $chunk_text = @$file_lines[$chunk_starting_line];
for (my $l = ($chunk_starting_line + 1); $l <= $chunk_finishing_line; $l++) {
$chunk_text .= @$file_lines[$l];
# Map from chunk key to text
eval "\$key_to_text_mapping{\${chunk_key}} = &import_chunk_from_${translation_file_type}(\$chunk_text)";
return %key_to_text_mapping;
sub build_key_to_last_update_date_mapping
my ($file, $file_lines, $key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type) = @_;
# If the files aren't in CVS then we can't tell anything about what needs updating
# return () if ($translation_file_is_not_in_cvs);
# Build a mapping from key to CVS date
# Need to be careful with this mapping because the chunk keys won't necessarily all be valid
my %key_to_cvs_date_mapping = &build_key_to_cvs_date_mapping($file, $translation_file_type);
# Build a mapping from key to comment date
my %key_to_gti_comment_mapping = &build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping($file_lines, $key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
# Build a mapping from key to last update date (the latter of the CVS date and comment date)
my %key_to_last_update_date_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$key_to_line_mapping)) {
# Use the CVS date as a starting point
my $chunk_cvs_date = $key_to_cvs_date_mapping{$chunk_key};
$key_to_last_update_date_mapping{$chunk_key} = $chunk_cvs_date;
# If a comment date exists and it is after the CVS date, use that instead
# need to convert the comment date format to SVN format
my $chunk_gti_comment = $key_to_gti_comment_mapping{$chunk_key};
if (defined($chunk_gti_comment) && $chunk_gti_comment =~ /(\d?\d-\D\D\D-\d\d\d\d)/) {
my $chunk_comment_date = $1;
# if the changes were made on 2009 Jan 27, ie. tidying up the GTI commands following each fragment,
# then should use the GTI comment date instead
# if ((!defined($chunk_cvs_date) || &is_date_after($chunk_comment_date, $chunk_cvs_date))) {
if ((!defined($chunk_cvs_date) || &is_date_after($chunk_comment_date, $chunk_cvs_date)
|| (&is_date_after($chunk_cvs_date,$chunk_comment_date) && ($chunk_cvs_date eq "2009-01-27" || $chunk_cvs_date eq "2009-01-28")))) {
$key_to_last_update_date_mapping{$chunk_key} = $chunk_comment_date;
# &log_message("cvs date: $chunk_cvs_date, comment date: $chunk_comment_date");
# die;
return %key_to_last_update_date_mapping;
sub build_key_to_cvs_date_mapping
my ($filename, $translation_file_type) = @_;
# Use CVS to annotate each line of the file with the date it was last edited
# The "2>/dev/null" is very important! If it is missing this will never return when run from the receptionist
# my $cvs_annotated_file = `cd $gsdl_root_directory; cvs -d $anonymous_cvs_root annotate -F $filename 2>/dev/null`;
# my $cvs_annotated_file = `cd $gsdl_root_directory; export PATH=.:/research/lh92/programs/subversion/bin; svn annotate -v --force $filename`;
my $cvs_annotated_file = `cd $gsdl_root_directory; svn annotate -v $filename`;
my @cvs_annotated_file_lines = split(/\n/, $cvs_annotated_file);
my @cvs_annotated_file_lines_date = ();
foreach my $cvs_annotated_file_line (@cvs_annotated_file_lines) {
# Extract the date from the CVS annotation at the front
# cvs format : 07-Jun-02
# svn format : 2007-07-16
# $cvs_annotated_file_line =~ s/^\S+\s+\(\S+\s+(\S+)\):\s//;
$cvs_annotated_file_line =~ s/^\s+\S+\s+\S+\s(\S+)//;
push(@cvs_annotated_file_lines_date, $1);
# trim extra date information in svn annotation format
# 15:42:49 +1200 (Wed, 21 Jun 2006)
$cvs_annotated_file_line =~ s/^\s+\S+\s\S+\s\((.+?)\)\s//;
# Build a key to line mapping for the CVS annotated file, for matching the chunk key to the CVS date
my %key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@cvs_annotated_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my %key_to_cvs_date_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%key_to_line_mapping)) {
my $chunk_starting_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}))[0];
my $chunk_finishing_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}))[1];
# Find the date this chunk was last edited, from the CVS annotation
my $chunk_date = $cvs_annotated_file_lines_date[$chunk_starting_line];
for (my $l = ($chunk_starting_line + 1); $l <= $chunk_finishing_line; $l++) {
if (&is_date_after($cvs_annotated_file_lines_date[$l], $chunk_date)) {
# This part of the chunk has been updated more recently
$chunk_date = $cvs_annotated_file_lines_date[$l];
# Map from chunk key to CVS date
$key_to_cvs_date_mapping{$chunk_key} = $chunk_date;
return %key_to_cvs_date_mapping;
sub build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping
my ($file_lines, $key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type) = @_;
my %key_to_gti_comment_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$key_to_line_mapping)) {
my $chunk_starting_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping->{$chunk_key}))[0];
my $chunk_finishing_line = (split(/-/, $key_to_line_mapping->{$chunk_key}))[1];
my $chunk_text = @$file_lines[$chunk_starting_line];
for (my $l = ($chunk_starting_line + 1); $l <= $chunk_finishing_line; $l++) {
$chunk_text .= @$file_lines[$l];
# Map from chunk key to GTI comment
my $chunk_gti_comment;
eval "\$chunk_gti_comment = &get_${translation_file_type}_chunk_gti_comment(\$chunk_text)";
$key_to_gti_comment_mapping{$chunk_key} = $chunk_gti_comment if (defined($chunk_gti_comment));
return %key_to_gti_comment_mapping;
sub determine_chunks_requiring_translation
my $source_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
# Chunks needing translation are those in the source file with no translation in the target file
my @target_file_keys_requiring_translation = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$source_file_key_to_text_mapping)) {
if ($source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key} && !$target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key}) {
# &log_message("Chunk with key $chunk_key needs translating.");
push(@target_file_keys_requiring_translation, $chunk_key);
return @target_file_keys_requiring_translation;
sub determine_chunks_requiring_updating
my $source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = shift(@_);
# Chunks needing updating are those in the target file that have been more recently edited in the source file
my @target_file_keys_requiring_updating = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping)) {
my $source_chunk_last_update_date = $source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key};
my $target_chunk_last_update_date = $target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key};
# print "key: $chunk_key\nsource date : $source_chunk_last_update_date\ntarget date : $target_chunk_last_update_date\nafter? ". &is_date_after($source_chunk_last_update_date, $target_chunk_last_update_date) . "\n\n";
if (defined($target_chunk_last_update_date) && &is_date_after($source_chunk_last_update_date, $target_chunk_last_update_date)) {
# &log_message("Chunk with key $chunk_key needs updating.");
push(@target_file_keys_requiring_updating, $chunk_key);
return @target_file_keys_requiring_updating;
sub is_chunk_automatically_translated
my ($chunk_key, $translation_file_type) = @_;
eval "return &is_${translation_file_type}_chunk_automatically_translated(\$chunk_key)";
sub make_text_xml_safe
my $text = shift(@_);
$text =~ s/\&/\&\;/g;
$text =~ s/\&\;lt\;/\&\;amp\;lt\;/g;
$text =~ s/\&\;gt\;/\&\;amp\;gt\;/g;
$text =~ s/\&\;rarr\;/\&\;amp\;rarr\;/g;
$text =~ s/\&\;mdash\;/\&\;amp\;mdash\;/g;
$text =~ s/\<\;/g;
$text =~ s/>/\>\;/g;
return $text;
sub unmake_text_xml_safe
my $text = shift(@_);
$text =~ s/\<\;//g;
$text =~ s/\&\;/\&/g;
return $text;
# Returns 1 if $date1 is after $date2, 0 otherwise
sub is_date_after_cvs
my ($date1, $date2) = @_;
my %months = ("Jan", 1, "Feb", 2, "Mar", 3, "Apr", 4, "May", 5, "Jun", 6,
"Jul", 7, "Aug", 8, "Sep", 9, "Oct", 10, "Nov", 11, "Dec", 12);
if(!defined $date1) {
return 1;
my @date1parts = split(/-/, $date1);
my @date2parts = split(/-/, $date2);
# Compare year - nasty because we have rolled over into a new century
my $year1 = $date1parts[2];
if ($year1 < 80) {
$year1 += 2000;
my $year2 = $date2parts[2];
if ($year2 < 80) {
$year2 += 2000;
# Compare year
if ($year1 > $year2) {
return 1;
elsif ($year1 == $year2) {
# Year is the same, so compare month
if ($months{$date1parts[1]} > $months{$date2parts[1]}) {
return 1;
elsif ($months{$date1parts[1]} == $months{$date2parts[1]}) {
# Month is the same, so compare day
if ($date1parts[0] > $date2parts[0]) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub is_date_after
my ($date1, $date2) = @_;
if(!defined $date1) {
return 1;
if(!defined $date2) {
return 0;
# 16-Aug-2006
if($date1=~ /(\d+?)-(\S\S\S)-(\d\d\d\d)/){
my %months = ("Jan", "01", "Feb", "02", "Mar", "03", "Apr", "04", "May", "05", "Jun", "06",
"Jul", "07", "Aug", "08", "Sep", "09", "Oct", "10", "Nov", "11", "Dec", "12");
$date1=$3 . "-" . $months{$2} . "-" . $1;
# print "** converted date1: $date1\n";
if($date2=~ /(\d+?)-(\S\S\S)-(\d\d\d\d)/){
my %months = ("Jan", "01", "Feb", "02", "Mar", "03", "Apr", "04", "May", "05", "Jun", "06",
"Jul", "07", "Aug", "08", "Sep", "09", "Oct", "10", "Nov", "11", "Dec", "12");
$date2=$3 . "-" . $months{$2} . "-" . $1;
# print "** converted date2: $date2\n";
# 2006-08-16
my @date1parts = split(/-/, $date1);
my @date2parts = split(/-/, $date2);
# Compare year
if ($date1parts[0] > $date2parts[0]) {
return 1;
elsif ($date1parts[0] == $date2parts[0]) {
# Year is the same, so compare month
if ($date1parts[1] > $date2parts[1]) {
return 1;
elsif ($date1parts[1] == $date2parts[1]) {
# Month is the same, so compare day
if ($date1parts[2] > $date2parts[2]) {
return 1;
return 0;
sub create_xml_response_for_chunks_requiring_work
my ($translation_file_key, $target_file, $total_num_chunks, $target_files_keys_requiring_translation, $target_files_keys_requiring_updating, $num_chunks_to_return, $source_files_key_to_text_mapping, $target_files_key_to_text_mapping, $source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, $target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping) = @_;
# Form an XML response to the command
my $xml_response = "\n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
# Do chunks requiring translation first
if ($num_chunks_to_return > scalar(@$target_files_keys_requiring_translation)) {
$xml_response .= " \n";
else {
$xml_response .= " \n";
my @sorted_chunk_keys = sort (@$target_files_keys_requiring_translation);
foreach my $chunk_key (@sorted_chunk_keys) {
last if ($num_chunks_to_return == 0);
my $source_file_chunk_date = $source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $source_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($source_files_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key});
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " $source_file_chunk_text\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
# Then do chunks requiring updating
if ($num_chunks_to_return > scalar(@$target_files_keys_requiring_updating)) {
$xml_response .= " \n";
else {
$xml_response .= " \n";
# foreach my $chunk_key (@target_file_keys_requiring_updating) {
@sorted_chunk_keys = sort (@$target_files_keys_requiring_updating);
foreach my $chunk_key (@sorted_chunk_keys) {
last if ($num_chunks_to_return == 0);
my $source_file_chunk_date = $source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $source_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($source_files_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key});
my $target_file_chunk_date = $target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $target_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($target_files_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key});
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " $source_file_chunk_text\n";
$xml_response .= " $target_file_chunk_text\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
return $xml_response;
sub create_xml_response_for_all_chunks
my ($translation_file_key, $target_file, $source_file_key_to_text_mapping, $target_file_key_to_text_mapping, $source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, $target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping) = @_;
# Form an XML response to the command
my $xml_response = "\n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
# Do all the chunks
$xml_response .= " \n";
my @sorted_chunk_keys = sort (keys(%$source_file_key_to_text_mapping));
foreach my $chunk_key (@sorted_chunk_keys) {
my $source_file_chunk_date = $source_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $source_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key});
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " $source_file_chunk_text\n";
if (defined($target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key})) {
my $target_file_chunk_date = $target_file_key_to_last_update_date_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $target_file_chunk_text = &make_text_xml_safe($target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key});
$xml_response .= " $target_file_chunk_text\n";
else {
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= " \n";
$xml_response .= "\n";
return $xml_response;
# ==========================================================================================
sub build_key_to_line_mapping_for_macrofile
my (@file_lines) = @_;
my $macro_package;
my %chunk_key_to_line_mapping = ();
# Process the contents of the file, line by line
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@file_lines); $i++) {
my $line = $file_lines[$i];
$line =~ s/(\s*)$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace, carriage returns etc.
# Check if a new package is being defined
if ($line =~ m/^package\s+(.+)/) {
$macro_package = $1;
# Line contains a macro name
elsif ($line =~ m/^(_\w+_)/) {
my $macro_key = $1;
$line =~ s/\s*([^\\]\#[^\}]+)?$//; # Remove any comments and nasty whitespace
# While there is still text of the macro to go...
my $startline = $i;
while ($line !~ /\}$/) {
if ($i == scalar(@file_lines)) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not find end of macro $macro_key.");
$line = $file_lines[$i];
$line =~ s/\s*([^\\]\#[^\}]+)?$//; # Remove any comments and nasty whitespace
# The chunk key consists of the package name and the macro key
my $chunk_key = $macro_package . "." . $macro_key;
# Map from chunk key to line
$chunk_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key} = $startline . "-" . $i;
# Icon: line in format ## "image text" ## image_type ## macro_name ##
elsif ($line =~ m/^\#\# .* \#\# .* \#\# (.*) \#\#/) {
# The chunk key consists of package name and macro key
my $chunk_key = $macro_package . "." . $1;
# Map from chunk key to line
$chunk_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key} = $i . "-" . $i;
return %chunk_key_to_line_mapping;
sub import_chunk_from_macrofile
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Is this an icon macro??
if ($chunk_text =~ /^\#\# (.*)/) {
# Extract image macro text
$chunk_text =~ /^\#\#\s+([^\#]+)\s+\#\#/;
$chunk_text = $1;
# Remove enclosing quotes
$chunk_text =~ s/^\"//;
$chunk_text =~ s/\"$//;
# No, so it must be a text macro
else {
# Remove macro key
$chunk_text =~ s/^_([^_]+)_(\s*)//;
# Remove language specifier
$chunk_text =~ s/^\[l=.*\](\s*)//;
# Remove braces enclosing text
$chunk_text =~ s/^{(\s*)((.|\n)*)}(\s*)(\#.+\s*)?/$2/;
return $chunk_text;
sub get_macrofile_chunk_gti_comment
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Check for an "Updated DD-MMM-YYYY" comment at the end of the chunk
if ($chunk_text =~ /\#\s+(Updated\s+\d?\d-\D\D\D-\d\d\d\d.*)\s*$/i) {
return $1;
return undef;
sub is_macrofile_chunk_automatically_translated
my ($chunk_key) = @_;
# The _httpiconX_, _widthX_ and _heightX_ image macros are automatically translated
if ($chunk_key =~ /\._(httpicon|width|height)/) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Use the source file to generate a target file that is formatted the same
sub write_translated_macrofile
my $source_file = shift(@_); # Not used
my @source_file_lines = @{shift(@_)};
my $source_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file = shift(@_);
my @target_file_lines = @{shift(@_)};
my $target_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_language_code = shift(@_);
# Build a mapping from source file line to chunk key
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_macrofile(@source_file_lines);
my %source_file_line_to_key_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
$source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}} = $chunk_key;
my @source_file_line_keys = (sort sort_by_line (keys(%source_file_line_to_key_mapping)));
my $source_file_line_number = 0;
# Build a mapping from target file line to chunk key
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_macrofile(@target_file_lines);
my %target_file_line_to_key_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%target_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
$target_file_line_to_key_mapping{$target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}} = $chunk_key;
my @target_file_line_keys = (sort sort_by_line (keys(%target_file_line_to_key_mapping)));
# Write the new target file
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
if (!open(TARGET_FILE, ">$target_file_path")) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not write target file $target_file_path.");
# Use the header from the target file, to keep language and author information
if (scalar(@target_file_line_keys) > 0) {
my $target_file_line_number = 0;
my $target_file_chunk_starting_line_number = (split(/-/, $target_file_line_keys[0]))[0];
while ($target_file_line_number < $target_file_chunk_starting_line_number) {
my $target_file_line = $target_file_lines[$target_file_line_number];
last if ($target_file_line =~ /^\# -- Missing translation: /); # We don't want to get into the macros
print TARGET_FILE $target_file_line;
$source_file_line_number = (split(/-/, $source_file_line_keys[0]))[0];
# Model the new target file on the source file, with the target file translations
foreach my $line_key (@source_file_line_keys) {
# Fill in the gaps before this chunk starts
my $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[0];
my $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[1];
while ($source_file_line_number < $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number) {
print TARGET_FILE $source_file_lines[$source_file_line_number];
$source_file_line_number = $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number + 1;
my $chunk_key = $source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$line_key};
my $source_file_chunk_text = $source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key};
my $target_file_chunk_text = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
my $macrofile_key = $chunk_key;
$macrofile_key =~ s/^(.+?)\.//;
# If no translation exists for this chunk, show this, and move on
if ($source_file_chunk_text ne "" && $target_file_chunk_text eq "") {
print TARGET_FILE "# -- Missing translation: $macrofile_key\n";
# Grab the source chunk text
my $source_file_chunk = $source_file_lines[$source_file_chunk_starting_line_number];
for (my $l = ($source_file_chunk_starting_line_number + 1); $l <= $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number; $l++) {
$source_file_chunk .= $source_file_lines[$l];
# Is this an icon macro??
if ($source_file_chunk =~ /^\#\# (.*)/) {
# Escape any newline and question mark characters so the source text is replaced correctly
$source_file_chunk_text =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$source_file_chunk_text =~ s/\?/\\\?/g;
# Build the new target chunk from the source chunk
my $target_file_chunk = $source_file_chunk;
$target_file_chunk =~ s/$source_file_chunk_text/$target_file_chunk_text/;
$target_file_chunk =~ s/(\s)*$//;
print TARGET_FILE "$target_file_chunk";
# No, it is just a normal text macro
else {
print TARGET_FILE "$macrofile_key [l=$target_language_code] {$target_file_chunk_text}";
# Add the "updated" comment, if one exists
if ($target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key}) {
print TARGET_FILE " # " . $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key};
print TARGET_FILE "\n";
sub sort_by_line
return ((split(/-/, $a))[0] <=> (split(/-/, $b))[0]);
# ==========================================================================================
sub build_key_to_line_mapping_for_resource_bundle
my (@file_lines) = @_;
my %chunk_key_to_line_mapping = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@file_lines); $i++) {
my $line = $file_lines[$i];
$line =~ s/(\s*)$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace, carriage returns etc.
# Line contains a dictionary string
if ($line =~ /^(\S+?)[:|=](.*)$/) {
my $chunk_key = $1;
# Map from chunk key to line
$chunk_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key} = $i . "-" . $i;
return %chunk_key_to_line_mapping;
sub import_chunk_from_resource_bundle
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Simple: just remove string key
$chunk_text =~ s/^(\S+?)[:|=](\s*)//;
$chunk_text =~ s/(\s*)$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace, carriage returns etc.
$chunk_text =~ s/(\s*)\#\s+Updated\s+(\d?\d-\D\D\D-\d\d\d\d.*)\s*$//i;
return $chunk_text;
sub get_resource_bundle_chunk_gti_comment
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Check for an "Updated DD-MMM-YYYY" comment at the end of the chunk
if ($chunk_text =~ /\#\s+(Updated\s+\d?\d-\D\D\D-\d\d\d\d.*)\s*$/i) {
return $1;
return undef;
sub is_resource_bundle_chunk_automatically_translated
# No resource bundle chunks are automatically translated
return 0;
sub write_translated_resource_bundle
my $source_file = shift(@_); # Not used
my @source_file_lines = @{shift(@_)};
my $source_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file = shift(@_);
my @target_file_lines = @{shift(@_)}; # Not used
my $target_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_language_code = shift(@_); # Not used
# Build a mapping from chunk key to source file line, and from source file line to chunk key
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_resource_bundle(@source_file_lines);
my %source_file_line_to_key_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
$source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}} = $chunk_key;
# Write the new target file
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
if (!open(TARGET_FILE, ">$target_file_path")) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not write target file $target_file_path.");
# Model the new target file on the source file, with the target file translations
my $source_file_line_number = 0;
foreach my $line_key (sort sort_by_line (keys(%source_file_line_to_key_mapping))) {
# Fill in the gaps before this chunk starts
my $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[0];
my $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[1];
while ($source_file_line_number < $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number) {
print TARGET_FILE $source_file_lines[$source_file_line_number];
$source_file_line_number = $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number + 1;
my $chunk_key = $source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$line_key};
my $source_file_chunk_text = $source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key};
my $target_file_chunk_text = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
# If no translation exists for this chunk, show this, and move on
if ($source_file_chunk_text ne "" && $target_file_chunk_text eq "") {
print TARGET_FILE "# -- Missing translation: $chunk_key\n";
print TARGET_FILE "$chunk_key:$target_file_chunk_text";
if ($target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key}) {
print TARGET_FILE " # " . $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key};
print TARGET_FILE "\n";
# ==========================================================================================
sub build_key_to_line_mapping_for_greenstone_xml
my (@file_lines) = @_;
my %chunk_key_to_line_mapping = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@file_lines); $i++) {
my $line = $file_lines[$i];
$line =~ s/(\s*)$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace, carriage returns etc.
# Line contains a string to translate
if ($line =~ /^\s*/) {
my $chunk_key = $1;
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace
$line =~ s/$//;
# While there is still text of the string to go...
my $startline = $i;
while ($line !~ /<\/Text>$/) {
if ($i == scalar(@file_lines)) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not find end of string $chunk_key.");
$line = $file_lines[$i];
$line =~ s/\s*$//; # Remove any nasty whitespace
$line =~ s/$//;
# Map from chunk key to line
if (!defined($chunk_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key})) {
$chunk_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key} = $startline . "-" . $i;
else {
&throw_fatal_error("Duplicate key $chunk_key.");
return %chunk_key_to_line_mapping;
sub import_chunk_from_greenstone_xml
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Simple: just remove the Text tags
$chunk_text =~ s/^\s*(\s*)//;
$chunk_text =~ s/$//;
$chunk_text =~ s/<\/Text>$//;
return $chunk_text;
sub get_greenstone_xml_chunk_gti_comment
my ($chunk_text) = @_;
# Check for an "Updated DD-MMM-YYYY" comment at the end of the chunk
if ($chunk_text =~ /$/i) {
return $1;
return undef;
sub is_greenstone_xml_chunk_automatically_translated
# No greenstone XML chunks are automatically translated
return 0;
sub write_translated_greenstone_xml
my $source_file = shift(@_); # Not used
my @source_file_lines = @{shift(@_)};
my $source_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file = shift(@_);
my @target_file_lines = @{shift(@_)}; # Not used
my $target_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_language_code = shift(@_); # Not used
# Build a mapping from chunk key to source file line, and from source file line to chunk key
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_greenstone_xml(@source_file_lines);
my %source_file_line_to_key_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
$source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}} = $chunk_key;
# Write the new target file
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
if (!open(TARGET_FILE, ">$target_file_path")) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not write target file $target_file_path.");
# Model the new target file on the source file, with the target file translations
my $source_file_line_number = 0;
foreach my $line_key (sort sort_by_line (keys(%source_file_line_to_key_mapping))) {
# Fill in the gaps before this chunk starts
my $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[0];
my $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[1];
while ($source_file_line_number < $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number) {
print TARGET_FILE $source_file_lines[$source_file_line_number];
$source_file_line_number = $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number + 1;
my $chunk_key = $source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$line_key};
my $source_file_chunk_text = $source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key};
my $target_file_chunk_text = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$chunk_key} || "";
$target_file_chunk_text =~ s/(\n)*$//g;
# If no translation exists for this chunk, show this, and move on
if ($source_file_chunk_text ne "" && $target_file_chunk_text eq "") {
print TARGET_FILE "\n";
print TARGET_FILE "$target_file_chunk_text";
if ($target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key}) {
my $chunk_gti_comment = $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$chunk_key};
$chunk_gti_comment =~ s/^Updated //;
print TARGET_FILE "";
print TARGET_FILE "\n";
# Fill in the end of the file
while ($source_file_line_number < scalar(@source_file_lines)) {
print TARGET_FILE $source_file_lines[$source_file_line_number];
# ==========================================================================================
sub get_all_chunks_for_gs3
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
# Get (and check) the translation configuration
# my ($source_file_dir, $target_file, $translation_file_type) = &get_translation_configuration($target_language_code, $translation_file_key);
my %source_files_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %target_files_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = ();
my %target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = ();
&build_gs3_configuration($target_language_code, \%source_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
&log_message("Total number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_files_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Total number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_files_key_to_text_mapping)));
my $xml_response = &create_xml_response_for_all_chunks($translation_file_key, "", \%source_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
return $xml_response;
sub get_first_n_chunks_requiring_work_for_gs3
# The code of the target language (ensure it is lowercase)
my $target_language_code = lc(shift(@_));
# The key of the file to translate (ensure it is lowercase)
my $translation_file_key = lc(shift(@_));
# The number of chunks to return (defaults to one if not specified)
my $num_chunks_to_return = shift(@_) || "1";
# Check that the necessary arguments were supplied
if (!$target_language_code || !$translation_file_key) {
&throw_fatal_error("Missing command argument.");
my %source_files_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %target_files_key_to_text_mapping = ();
my %source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = ();
my %target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping = ();
&build_gs3_configuration($target_language_code, \%source_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_text_mapping,
\%source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
# Determine the target file chunks requiring translation
my @target_files_keys_requiring_translation = &determine_chunks_requiring_translation(\%source_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_text_mapping);
# Determine the target file chunks requiring updating
my @target_files_keys_requiring_updating = &determine_chunks_requiring_updating(\%source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
&log_message("Total number of target chunks requiring translation: " . scalar(@target_files_keys_requiring_translation));
&log_message("Total number of target chunks requiring updating: " . scalar(@target_files_keys_requiring_updating));
my $xml_response = &create_xml_response_for_chunks_requiring_work($translation_file_key, "", scalar(keys(%source_files_key_to_text_mapping)),
\@target_files_keys_requiring_translation, \@target_files_keys_requiring_updating,
$num_chunks_to_return, \%source_files_key_to_text_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_text_mapping,
\%source_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping, \%target_files_key_to_last_update_date_mapping);
return $xml_response;
sub build_gs3_configuration
my ($target_language_code, $source_files_key_to_text_mapping, $target_files_key_to_text_mapping,
$source_files_key_to_gti_comment_mapping, $target_files_key_to_gti_comment_mapping) = @_;
my $source_file_directory = "greenstone3";
my $translation_file_type = "resource_bundle";
foreach my $interface_file_key (@gs3_interface_files) {
&log_message("Greenstone 3 interface file: " . $interface_file_key);
# Parse the source language and target language files
my $source_file = &util::filename_cat($source_file_directory, $interface_file_key.".properties");
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines(&util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file));
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@source_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my %source_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %source_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = &build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping(\@source_file_lines, \%source_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my $target_file = &util::filename_cat($source_file_directory, $interface_file_key."_".$target_language_code.".properties");
my @target_file_lines = &read_file_lines(&util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file));
my %target_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping(\@target_file_lines, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_text_mapping = &build_key_to_text_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
my %target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = &build_key_to_gti_comment_mapping(\@target_file_lines, \%target_file_key_to_line_mapping, $translation_file_type);
# Filter out any automatically translated chunks
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
if (&is_chunk_automatically_translated($chunk_key, $translation_file_type)) {
delete $source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
delete $target_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key};
&log_message("Number of source chunks: " . scalar(keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
&log_message("Number of target chunks: " . scalar(keys(%target_file_key_to_text_mapping)));
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_text_mapping)) {
my $global_chunk_key = "$interface_file_key.$chunk_key";
$source_files_key_to_text_mapping->{$global_chunk_key} = $source_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key};
$source_files_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$global_chunk_key} = $source_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping{$chunk_key};
if (defined $target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key}) {
$target_files_key_to_text_mapping->{$global_chunk_key} = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping{$chunk_key};
$target_files_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$global_chunk_key} = $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping{$chunk_key};
sub write_translated_gs3interface
my $source_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_text_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping = shift(@_);
my $target_language_code = shift(@_);
my @sorted_chunk_keys = sort (keys(%$source_file_key_to_text_mapping));
my %translated_interface_file_keys = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%$target_file_key_to_text_mapping)) {
$chunk_key =~ /^([^\.]+)?\.(.*)$/;
if (!defined $translated_interface_file_keys{$1}) {
&log_message("Updated interface file: " . $1);
&log_message("Updated interface files: " . scalar(keys(%translated_interface_file_keys)));
my $source_file_directory = "greenstone3";
foreach my $interface_file_key (keys(%translated_interface_file_keys)) {
# Build a mapping from chunk key to source file line, and from source file line to chunk key
my $source_file = &util::filename_cat($source_file_directory, "$interface_file_key.properties");
my @source_file_lines = &read_file_lines(&util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $source_file));
my %source_file_key_to_line_mapping = &build_key_to_line_mapping_for_resource_bundle(@source_file_lines);
my %source_file_line_to_key_mapping = ();
foreach my $chunk_key (keys(%source_file_key_to_line_mapping)) {
$source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$source_file_key_to_line_mapping{$chunk_key}} = $chunk_key;
# Write the new target file
my $target_file = &util::filename_cat($source_file_directory, $interface_file_key . "_" . $target_language_code . ".properties");
my $target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($gsdl_root_directory, $target_file);
if (!open(TARGET_FILE, ">$target_file_path")) {
&throw_fatal_error("Could not write target file $target_file_path.");
# Model the new target file on the source file, with the target file translations
my $source_file_line_number = 0;
foreach my $line_key (sort sort_by_line (keys(%source_file_line_to_key_mapping))) {
# Fill in the gaps before this chunk starts
my $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[0];
my $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number = (split(/-/, $line_key))[1];
while ($source_file_line_number < $source_file_chunk_starting_line_number) {
print TARGET_FILE $source_file_lines[$source_file_line_number];
$source_file_line_number = $source_file_chunk_finishing_line_number + 1;
my $chunk_key = $source_file_line_to_key_mapping{$line_key};
my $global_chunk_key = "$interface_file_key.$chunk_key";
my $source_file_chunk_text = $source_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$global_chunk_key};
my $target_file_chunk_text = $target_file_key_to_text_mapping->{$global_chunk_key} || "";
# If no translation exists for this chunk, show this, and move on
if ($source_file_chunk_text ne "" && $target_file_chunk_text eq "") {
print TARGET_FILE "# -- Missing translation: $chunk_key\n";
print TARGET_FILE "$chunk_key:$target_file_chunk_text";
if ($target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$global_chunk_key}) {
print TARGET_FILE " # " . $target_file_key_to_gti_comment_mapping->{$global_chunk_key};
print TARGET_FILE "\n";