# this file must be UTF-8 encoded
package home
# set the title of the home page to be "greenstone digital library"
# in the currently chosen language
_pagetitle_ {_textdescrgreenstone_}
# global navigation links
# overridden here as we don't want 'home' links on this page
# home:helplink and home:preflink set in nav_css/ns4 macro files
_globallinks_ {_helplink_ _preflink_}
# icons
_iconmusiclibrary_ {
_imagecollection_ {
# http macros
# These contain the url without any quotes
_httppagegsdl_ {_httppagex_(gsdl)}
_httppagehomepref_ {_httppagex_(homepref)}
# images
# Buttons for the pane after the collections and before the text
_button_ {
_imagegli_ {_button_(_httppagegli_,_gli:textgli_)}
_imagecollector_ {_button_(_httppagecollector_,_collector:textcollector_)}
_imagedepositor_ {_button_(_httppagedepositor_,_depositor:textdepositor_)}
_imagetranslator_ {_button_(_httppagetranslator_,_gti:textgti_)}
_imageadmin_ {_button_(_httppagestatus_,_home:textadmin_)}
_imagegogreenstone_ {_button_(_home:httppagegsdl_,_home:textabgs_)}
_imagegodocs_ {_button_(_home:httppagedocs_,_home:textgsdocs_)}
# page content
# _homeextra_ is the automatically generated list of collections (in a table)
_content_ {
# the _textgocollector_, _textgotranslator_, and _textgoadmin_ macros
# may be overridden to be empty from within the receptionist if the
# collector, translator, or admin facilities are disabled
_textgogli_ {
_imagegli_ |
_gli:textdescrgli_ |
_textgocollector_ {
_imagecollector_ |
_collector:textdescrcollector_ |
_textgodepositor_ {
_imagedepositor_ |
_depositor:textdescrdepositor_ |
_textgotranslator_ {
_imagetranslator_ |
_gti:textdescrtranslator_ |
_textgoadmin_ {
_imageadmin_ |
_textdescradmin_ |
_textgogreenstone_ {
_imagegogreenstone_ |
_textdescrgogreenstone_ |
_textgodocs_ {
_imagegodocs_ |
_textdescrgodocs_ |
package homepref
_pagetitle_ {_preferences:textpreferences_ - _textdescrgreenstone_}
_imagecollection_ {
_globallinks_ {_homelink_ _helplink_}
_pagescriptextra_ {_preferences:pagescriptextra_}
_content_ {