." @(#)javaws.1 1.9 07/09/11 1 SMI; ." ." ` .TH javaws 1 "20 Mar 2008" ." Generated from HTML pages by html2man (author: Eric Armstrong) .LP .LP .SH "Name" \f2javaws\fP Command Line .LP .LP .LP \ .LP .SS NAME .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP \f2javaws\fP \- Java Web Start launcher command .LP .RE .SS SYNOPSIS .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP \f2javaws [run\-options] \fP .LP .LP \f2javaws [control\-options]\fP .LP .RE .SS PARAMETERS .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP \f2[run\-options]\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP Command\-line run\-options. run\-options may be in any order. For a discussion of the various run\-options, see RUN\-OPTIONS below. .LP .RE .LP \f2\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP This can be either the path of, or the Uniform Resource Locater (URL) of the JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol) file. .LP .RE .LP \f2[control\-options]\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP Command\-line control\-options. control\-options may be in any order. For a discussion of the various control\-options, see CONTROL\-OPTIONS below. .LP .RE .RE .SS DESCRIPTION .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP The \f2javaws\fP command launches Java Web Start, which is the reference implementation of the Java Network Launching Protocol (JNLP). Java Web Start launches Java applications/applets hosted on a network. .LP .LP If a JNLP file is specified, \f2javaws\fP will launch the Java application/applet specified in the JNLP file. .LP .LP The \f2javaws\fP launcher has a set of options that are supported in the current release. However, the options may be removed in a future release. .LP .RE .SS RUN\-OPTIONS .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP \f2\-offline\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP run Java Web Start in offline mode. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-Xnosplash\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP disable the display of the initial splash screen. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-open \fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP If specified, replaces the arguments in the jnlp file with \f2\-open \fP. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-print \fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP If specified, replaces the arguments in the jnlp file with \f2\-print \fP. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-online\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP run in online mode (default behavior). .LP .RE .LP \f2\-wait\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP If specified, the \f2javaws\fP process will not exit until the application exits. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-verbose\fP .LP .RS 3 .LP .LP display additional output. .LP .RE .LP \f2\-J