package MARC::Record; =head1 NAME MARC::Record - Perl extension for handling MARC records =cut use strict; use integer; eval 'use warnings' if $] >= 5.006; use vars qw( $ERROR ); use MARC::Field; =head1 VERSION Version 1.10 $Id: 3430 2002-09-24 05:17:39Z jrm21 $ =cut use vars '$VERSION'; $VERSION = '1.10'; use Exporter; use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORTS @EXPORT_OK ); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); @EXPORTS = qw(); @EXPORT_OK = qw( LEADER_LEN ); use vars qw( $DEBUG ); $DEBUG = 0; use constant LEADER_LEN => 24; =head1 DESCRIPTION Module for handling MARC records as objects. The file-handling stuff is in MARC::File::*. =head1 EXPORT None. =head1 ERROR HANDLING Any errors generated are stored in C<$MARC::Record::ERROR>. Warnings are kept with the record and accessible in the C method. =head1 METHODS =head2 new() Base constructor for the class. It just returns a completely empty record. To get real data, you'll need to populate it with fields, or use one of the MARC::File::* modules to read from a file. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; $class = ref($class) || $class; # Handle cloning my $self = { _leader => ' ' x 24, _fields => [], _warnings => [], }; return bless $self, $class; } # new() =head2 fields() Returns a list of all the fields in the record. The list contains a MARC::Field object for each field in the record. =cut sub fields() { my $self = shift; return @{$self->{_fields}}; } =head2 field(tagspec(s)) Returns a list of tags that match the field specifier, or in scalar context, just the first matching tag. The field specifier can be a simple number (i.e. "245"), or use the "X" notation of wildcarding (i.e. subject tags are "6XX"). =cut my %field_regex; sub field { my $self = shift; my @specs = @_; my @list = (); for my $tag ( @specs ) { my $regex = $field_regex{ $tag }; # Compile & stash it if necessary if ( not defined $regex ) { my $pattern = $tag; $pattern =~ s/X/\\d/g; $regex = qr/^$pattern$/; $field_regex{ $tag } = $regex; } # not defined for my $maybe ( $self->fields ) { if ( $maybe->tag =~ $regex ) { return $maybe unless wantarray; push( @list, $maybe ); } # if } # for $maybe } # for $tag return @list; } =head2 subfield(tag,subfield) Shortcut method for getting just a subfield for a tag. These are equivalent: my $title = $marc->field(245)->subfield("a"); my $title = $marc->subfield(245,"a"); If either the field or subfield can't be found, C is returned. =cut sub subfield($$) { my $self = shift; my $tag = shift; my $subfield = shift; my $field = $self->field($tag) or return undef; return $field->subfield($subfield); } # subfield() =head2 insert_grouped_field(C<$field>) Will insert the specified MARC::Field object into the record in 'grouped order' and return true (1) on success, and false (undef) on failure. For example, if a '650' field is inserted with insert_grouped_field() it will be inserted at the end of the 6XX group of tags. After some discussion on the perl4lib list it was descided that this is ordinarily what you will want. If you would like to insert at a specific point in the record you can use insert_fields_after() and insert_fields_before() methods which are described below. =cut sub insert_grouped_field { my ($self,$new) = @_; _all_parms_are_fields($new) or return(_gripe('Argument must be MARC::Fieldobject')); ## try to find the end of the field group and insert it there my $limit = int($new->tag() / 100); my $found = 0; foreach my $field ($self->fields()) { if ( int($field->tag() / 100) > $limit ) { $self->insert_field_before($field,$new); $found = 1; last; } } ## if we couldn't find the end of the group, then we must not have ## any tags this high yet, so just append it if (!$found) { $self->append_fields($new); } return(1); } =for internal =cut sub _all_parms_are_fields { for ( @_ ) { return 0 unless ref($_) eq 'MARC::Field'; } return 1; } =head2 append_field(C<@fields>) Appends the field specified by C<$field> to the end of the record. C<@fields> need to be MARC::Field objects. my $field = MARC::Field->new('590','','','a' => 'My local note.'); $record->append_field($field); Returns the number of fields appended. =cut sub append_fields { my $self = shift; _all_parms_are_fields(@_) or return(_gripe('Arguments must be MARC::Field objects')); push(@{ $self->{_fields} }, @_); return scalar @_; } =head2 insert_fields_before($before_field,@new_fields) Inserts the field specified by C<$new_field> before the field C<$before_field>. Returns the number of fields inserted, or undef on failures. Both C<$before_field> and all C<@new_fields> need to be MARC::Field objects. my $before_field = $record->field('260'); my $new_field = MARC::Field->new('250','','','a' => '2nd ed.'); $record->insert_fields_before($before_field,$new_field); =cut sub insert_fields_before { my $self = shift; _all_parms_are_fields(@_) or return(_gripe('All arguments must be MARC::Field objects')); my ($before,@new) = @_; ## find position of $before my $fields = $self->{_fields}; my $pos = 0; foreach my $f (@$fields) { last if ($f == $before); $pos++; } ## insert before $before if ($pos >= @$fields) { return(_gripe("Couldn't find field to insert before")); } splice(@$fields,$pos,0,@new); return scalar @new; } =head2 insert_fields_after($after_field,@new_fields) Identical to L, but fields are added after C<$after_field>. =cut sub insert_fields_after { my $self = shift; _all_parms_are_fields(@_) or return(_gripe('All arguments must be MARC::Field objects')); my ($after,@new) = @_; ## find position of $after my $fields = $self->{_fields}; my $pos = 0; foreach my $f (@$fields) { last if ($f == $after); $pos++; } ## insert after $after if ($pos+1 >= @$fields) { return(_gripe("Couldn't find field to insert after")); } splice(@$fields,$pos+1,0,@new); return scalar @new; } =head2 delete_field(C<$field>) Deletes a field from the record. The field must have been retrieved from the record using the C method. For example, to delete a 526 tag if it exists: my $tag526 = $marc->field( "526" ); if ( $tag526 ) { $marc->delete_field( $tag526 ); } C returns the number of fields that were deleted. This shouldn't be 0 unless you didn't get the tag properly. =cut sub delete_field { my $self = shift; my $deleter = shift; my $list = $self->{_fields}; my $old_count = @$list; @$list = grep { $_ != $deleter } @$list; return $old_count - @$list; } =head2 as_usmarc() This is a wrapper around C for compatibility with older versions of MARC::Record. =cut sub as_usmarc() { my $self = shift; require MARC::File::USMARC; return MARC::File::USMARC::encode( $self ); } =head2 as_formatted() Returns a pretty string for printing in a MARC dump. =cut sub as_formatted() { my $self = shift; my @lines = ( "LDR " . ($self->{_leader} || "") ); for my $field ( @{$self->{_fields}} ) { push( @lines, $field->as_formatted() ); } return join( "\n", @lines ); } # as_formatted =head2 title() Returns the title from the 245 tag. Note that it is a string, not a MARC::Field record. =cut sub title() { my $self = shift; my $field = $self->field(245) or return ""; return $field->as_string; } =head2 author() Returns the author from the 100, 110 or 111 tag. Note that it is a string, not a MARC::Field record. =cut sub author() { my $self = shift; for my $tag ( qw( 100 110 111 ) ) { my $field = $self->field($tag); return $field->as_string() if $field; } return ""; } =head2 leader([text]) Returns the leader for the record. Sets the leader if I is defined. No error checking is done on the validity of the leader. =cut sub leader { my $self = shift; my $text = shift; if ( defined $text ) { (length($text) eq 24) or $self->_warn( "Leader must be 24 bytes long" ); $self->{_leader} = $text; } # set the leader return $self->{_leader}; } # leader() =head2 set_leader_lengths( $reclen, $baseaddr ) Internal function for updating the leader's length and base address. =cut sub set_leader_lengths { my $self = shift; my $reclen = shift; my $baseaddr = shift; substr($self->{_leader},0,5) = sprintf("%05d",$reclen); substr($self->{_leader},12,5) = sprintf("%05d",$baseaddr); } =head2 clone( [field specs] ) The C method makes a copy of an existing MARC record and returns the new version. Note that you cannot just say: my $newmarc = $oldmarc; This just makes a copy of the reference, not a new object. You must use the C method like so: my $newmarc = $oldmarc->clone; You can also specify field specs to filter down only a certain subset of fields. For instance, if you only wanted the title and ISBN tags from a record, you could do this: my $small_marc = $marc->clone( 245, '020' ); The order of the fields is preserved as it was in the original record. =cut sub clone { my $self = shift; my @keeper_tags = @_; my $clone = $self->new(); $clone->{_leader} = $self->{_leader}; my $filtered = @keeper_tags ? [$self->field( @keeper_tags )] : undef; for my $field ( $self->fields() ) { if ( !$filtered || (grep {$field==$_} @$filtered ) ) { $clone->add_fields( $field->clone ); } } # XXX FIX THIS $clone->update_leader(); return $clone; } =head2 warnings() Returns the warnings that were created when the record was read. These are things like "Invalid indicators converted to blanks". The warnings are items that you might be interested in, or might not. It depends on how stringently you're checking data. If you're doing some grunt data analysis, you probably don't care. A side effect of calling warnings() is that the warning buffer will be cleared. =cut sub warnings() { my $self = shift; my @warnings = @{$self->{_warnings}}; $self->{_warnings} = []; return @warnings; } =head2 add_fields() C is now deprecated, and users are encouraged to use C, C, and C since they do what you want probably. It is still here though, for backwards compatability. C adds MARC::Field objects to the end of the list. Returns the number of fields added, or C if there was an error. There are three ways of calling C to add data to the record. =over 4 =item 1 Create a MARC::Field object and add it my $author = MARC::Field->new( 100, "1", " ", a => "Arnosky, Jim." ); $marc->add_fields( $author ); =item 2 Add the data fields directly, and let C take care of the objectifying. $marc->add_fields( 245, "1", "0", a => "Raccoons and ripe corn /", c => "Jim Arnosky.", ); =item 3 Same as #2 above, but pass multiple fields of data in anonymous lists $marc->add_fields( [ 250, " ", " ", a => "1st ed." ], [ 650, "1", " ", a => "Raccoons." ], ); =back =cut sub add_fields { my $self = shift; my $nfields = 0; my $fields = $self->{_fields}; while ( my $parm = shift ) { # User handed us a list of data (most common possibility) if ( ref($parm) eq "" ) { my $field = MARC::Field->new( $parm, @_ ) or return _gripe( $MARC::Field::ERROR ); push( @$fields, $field ); ++$nfields; last; # Bail out, we're done eating parms # User handed us an object. } elsif ( ref($parm) eq "MARC::Field" ) { push( @$fields, $parm ); ++$nfields; # User handed us an anonymous list of parms } elsif ( ref($parm) eq "ARRAY" ) { my $field = MARC::Field->new(@$parm) or return _gripe( $MARC::Field::ERROR ); push( @$fields, $field ); ++$nfields; } else { return _gripe( "Unknown parm of type", ref($parm), " passed to add_fields()" ); } # if } # while return $nfields; } =head2 new_from_usmarc( $marcblob ) This is a wrapper around C for compatibility with older versions of MARC::Record. =cut sub new_from_usmarc { my $blob = shift; $blob = shift if (ref($blob) || ($blob eq "MARC::Record")); require MARC::File::USMARC; return MARC::File::USMARC::decode( $blob ); } # NOTE: _warn is an object method sub _warn { my $self = shift; push( @{$self->{_warnings}}, join( "", @_ ) ); } # NOTE: _gripe is NOT an object method sub _gripe { $ERROR = join( "", @_ ); warn $ERROR; return undef; } 1; __END__ =head1 DESIGN NOTES A brief discussion of why MARC::Record is done the way it is: =over 4 =item * It's built for quick prototyping One of the areas Perl excels is in allowing the programmer to create easy solutions quickly. MARC::Record is designed along those same lines. You want a program to dump all the 6XX tags in a file? MARC::Record is your friend. =item * It's built for extensibility Currently, I'm using MARC::Record for analyzing bibliographic data, but who knows what might happen in the future? MARC::Record needs to be just as adept at authority data, too. =item * It's designed around accessor methods I use method calls everywhere, and I expect calling programs to do the same, rather than accessing internal data directly. If you access an object's hash fields on your own, future releases may break your code. =item * It's not built for speed One of the tradeoffs in using accessor methods is some overhead in the method calls. Is this slow? I don't know, I haven't measured. I would suggest that if you're a cycle junkie that you use to check to see where your bottlenecks are, and then decide if MARC::Record is for you. =back =head1 RELATED MODULES L, L =head1 SEE ALSO =over 4 =item * perl4lib (L) A mailing list devoted to the use of Perl in libraries. =item * Library Of Congress MARC pages (L) The definitive source for all things MARC. =item * I (L) Online version of the free booklet. An excellent overview of the MARC format. Essential. =item * Tag Of The Month (L) Follett Software Company's (L) monthly discussion of various MARC tags. =back =head1 TODO =over 4 =item * Incorporate in the distribution. Combine and MARC::* into one distribution. =item * Podify =item * Allow regexes across the entire tag Imagine something like this: my @sears_headings = $marc->tag_grep( /Sears/ ); (from Mike O'Regan) =item * Insert a field in an arbitrary place in the record =item * Allow deleting a field for my $field ( $record->field( "856" ) ) { $record->delete_field( $field ) unless useful($field); } # for (from Anne Highsmith =item * Modifying an existing field =back =head1 IDEAS Ideas are things that have been considered, but nobody's actually asked for. =over 4 =item * Create multiple output formats. These could be ASCII, XML, or MarcMaker. =back =head1 LICENSE This code may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please note that these modules are not products of or supported by the employers of the various contributors to the code. =head1 AUTHOR Andy Lester, Emarc@petdance.comE or Ealester@flr.follett.comE =cut