# mgbuilder.pm -- MGBuilder object
# A component of the Greenstone digital library software
# from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
# University of Waikato, New Zealand.
# Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package mgbuilder;
use basebuilder;
use plugin;
use strict; no strict 'refs';
use util;
@mgbuilder::ISA = ('basebuilder');
my %wanted_index_files = ('td'=>1,
my $maxdocsize = $basebuilder::maxdocsize;
sub new {
my $class = shift(@_);
my $self = new basebuilder (@_);
$self = bless $self, $class;
$self->{'buildtype'} = "mg";
return $self;
sub default_buildproc {
my $self = shift (@_);
return "mgbuildproc";
sub generate_index_list {
my $self = shift (@_);
if (!defined($self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexes'})) {
$self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexes'} = [];
if (scalar(@{$self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexes'}}) == 0) {
# no indexes have been specified so we'll build a "dummy:text" index
push (@{$self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexes'}}, "dummy:text");
sub generate_index_options {
my $self = shift (@_);
$self->{'casefold'} = 0;
$self->{'stem'} = 0;
$self->{'accentfold'} = 0; #not yet implemented for mg
if (!defined($self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexoptions'})) {
# just use default options
$self->{'casefold'} = 1;
$self->{'stem'} = 1;
} else {
foreach my $option (@{$self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'indexoptions'}}) {
if ($option =~ /stem/) {
$self->{'stem'} = 1;
} elsif ($option =~ /casefold/) {
$self->{'casefold'} = 1;
# now we record this for the build cfg
$self->{'stemindexes'} = 0;
if ($self->{'casefold'}) {
$self->{'stemindexes'} += 1;
if ($self->{'stem'}) {
$self->{'stemindexes'} += 2;
sub compress_text {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($textindex) = @_;
my $exedir = "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/bin/$ENV{'GSDLOS'}";
my $exe = &util::get_os_exe ();
my $mg_passes_exe = &util::filename_cat($exedir, "mg_passes$exe");
my $mg_compression_dict_exe = &util::filename_cat($exedir, "mg_compression_dict$exe");
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
my $maxnumeric = $self->{'maxnumeric'};
&util::mk_all_dir (&util::filename_cat($self->{'build_dir'}, "text"));
my $collect_tail = &util::get_dirsep_tail($self->{'collection'});
my $basefilename = &util::filename_cat("text",$collect_tail);
my $fulltextprefix = &util::filename_cat ($self->{'build_dir'}, $basefilename);
my $osextra = "";
if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) {
$fulltextprefix =~ s@/@\\@g;
} else {
$osextra = " -d /";
print $outhandle "\n*** creating the compressed text\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
# collect the statistics for the text
# -b $maxdocsize sets the maximum document size to be 12 meg
print $outhandle "\n collecting text statistics\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
my ($handle);
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
$handle = *STDOUT;
else {
if (!-e "$mg_passes_exe" ||
!open($handle, "| mg_passes$exe -f \"$fulltextprefix\" -b $maxdocsize -T1 -M $maxnumeric $osextra")) {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::compress_text - couldn't run $mg_passes_exe\n";
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_output_handle ($handle);
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_mode ('text');
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_index ($textindex);
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_indexing_text (0);
if ($self->{'no_text'}) {
} else {
&plugin::begin($self->{'pluginfo'}, $self->{'source_dir'},
$self->{'buildproc'}, $self->{'maxdocs'});
&plugin::read ($self->{'pluginfo'}, $self->{'source_dir'},
"", {}, {}, $self->{'buildproc'}, $self->{'maxdocs'}, 0, $self->{'gli'});
close ($handle) unless $self->{'debug'};
# create the compression dictionary
# the compression dictionary is built by assuming the stats are from a seed
# dictionary (-S), if a novel word is encountered it is spelled out (-H),
# and the resulting dictionary must be less than 5 meg with the most frequent
# words being put into the dictionary first (-2 -k 5120)
if (!$self->{'debug'}) {
print $outhandle "\n creating the compression dictionary\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
if (!-e "$mg_compression_dict_exe") {
die "mgbuilder::compress_text - couldn't run $mg_compression_dict_exe\n";
system ("mg_compression_dict$exe -f \"$fulltextprefix\" -S -H -2 -k 5120 $osextra");
# -b $maxdocsize sets the maximum document size to be 12 meg
if (!-e "$mg_passes_exe" ||
!open ($handle, "| mg_passes$exe -f \"$fulltextprefix\" -b $maxdocsize -T2 -M $maxnumeric $osextra")) {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::compress_text - couldn't run $mg_passes_exe\n";
else {
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
# compress the text
print $outhandle "\n compressing the text\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
&plugin::read ($self->{'pluginfo'}, $self->{'source_dir'},
"", {}, {}, $self->{'buildproc'}, $self->{'maxdocs'}, 0, $self->{'gli'});
close ($handle) unless $self->{'debug'};
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
# creates directory names for each of the index descriptions
sub create_index_mapping {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($indexes) = @_;
my %mapping = ();
$mapping{'indexmaporder'} = [];
$mapping{'subcollectionmaporder'} = [];
$mapping{'languagemaporder'} = [];
# dirnames is used to check for collisions. Start this off
# with the manditory directory names
my %dirnames = ('text'=>'text',
my %pnames = ('index' => {}, 'subcollection' => {}, 'languages' => {});
foreach my $index (@$indexes) {
my ($level, $gran, $subcollection, $languages) = split (":", $index);
# the directory name starts with the first character of the index level
my ($pindex) = $level =~ /^(.)/;
# next comes a processed version of the index
$pindex .= $self->process_field ($gran);
$pindex = lc ($pindex);
# next comes a processed version of the subcollection if there is one.
my $psub = $self->process_field ($subcollection);
$psub = lc ($psub);
# next comes a processed version of the language if there is one.
my $plang = $self->process_field ($languages);
$plang = lc ($plang);
my $dirname = $pindex . $psub . $plang;
# check to be sure all index names are unique
while (defined ($dirnames{$dirname})) {
$dirname = $self->make_unique (\%pnames, $index, \$pindex, \$psub, \$plang);
$mapping{$index} = $dirname;
# store the mapping orders as well as the maps
# also put index, subcollection and language fields into the mapping thing -
# (the full index name (eg document:text:subcol:lang) is not used on
# the query page) -these are used for collectionmeta later on
if (!defined $mapping{'indexmap'}{"$level:$gran"}) {
$mapping{'indexmap'}{"$level:$gran"} = $pindex;
push (@{$mapping{'indexmaporder'}}, "$level:$gran");
if (!defined $mapping{"$level:$gran"}) {
$mapping{"$level:$gran"} = $pindex;
if ($psub =~ /\w/ && !defined ($mapping{'subcollectionmap'}{$subcollection})) {
$mapping{'subcollectionmap'}{$subcollection} = $psub;
push (@{$mapping{'subcollectionmaporder'}}, $subcollection);
$mapping{$subcollection} = $psub;
if ($plang =~ /\w/ && !defined ($mapping{'languagemap'}{$languages})) {
$mapping{'languagemap'}{$languages} = $plang;
push (@{$mapping{'languagemaporder'}}, $languages);
$mapping{$languages} = $plang;
$dirnames{$dirname} = $index;
$pnames{'index'}->{$pindex} = "$level:$gran";
$pnames{'subcollection'}->{$psub} = $subcollection;
$pnames{'languages'}->{$plang} = $languages;
return \%mapping;
sub make_unique {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($namehash, $index, $indexref, $subref, $langref) = @_;
my ($level, $gran, $subcollection, $languages) = split (":", $index);
if ($namehash->{'index'}->{$$indexref} ne "$level:$gran") {
$self->get_next_version ($indexref);
} elsif ($namehash->{'subcollection'}->{$$subref} ne $subcollection) {
$self->get_next_version ($subref);
} elsif ($namehash->{'languages'}->{$$langref} ne $languages) {
$self->get_next_version ($langref);
return "$$indexref$$subref$$langref";
sub build_index {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($index) = @_;
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
# get the full index directory path and make sure it exists
my $indexdir = $self->{'index_mapping'}->{$index};
&util::mk_all_dir (&util::filename_cat($self->{'build_dir'}, $indexdir));
my $collect_tail = &util::get_dirsep_tail($self->{'collection'});
my $fullindexprefix = &util::filename_cat ($self->{'build_dir'}, $indexdir,
my $fulltextprefix = &util::filename_cat ($self->{'build_dir'}, "text",
# get any os specific stuff
my $exedir = "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/bin/$ENV{'GSDLOS'}";
my $exe = &util::get_os_exe ();
my $mg_passes_exe = &util::filename_cat($exedir, "mg_passes$exe");
my $mg_perf_hash_build_exe =
&util::filename_cat($exedir, "mg_perf_hash_build$exe");
my $mg_weights_build_exe =
&util::filename_cat ($exedir, "mg_weights_build$exe");
my $mg_invf_dict_exe =
&util::filename_cat ($exedir, "mg_invf_dict$exe");
my $mg_stem_idx_exe =
&util::filename_cat ($exedir, "mg_stem_idx$exe");
my $maxnumeric = $self->{'maxnumeric'};
my $osextra = "";
if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} =~ /^windows$/i) {
$fullindexprefix =~ s@/@\\@g;
} else {
$osextra = " -d /";
if ($outhandle ne "STDERR") {
# so mg_passes doesn't print to stderr if we redirect output
$osextra .= " 2>/dev/null";
# get the index level from the index description
# the index will be level 2 unless we are building a
# paragraph level index
my $index_level = 2;
$index_level = 3 if $index =~ /^paragraph/i;
# get the index expression if this index belongs
# to a subcollection
my $indexexparr = [];
my $langarr = [];
# there may be subcollection info, and language info.
my ($level, $fields, $subcollection, $language) = split (":", $index);
my @subcollections = ();
@subcollections = split /,/, $subcollection if (defined $subcollection);
foreach my $subcollection (@subcollections) {
if (defined ($self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'subcollection'}->{$subcollection})) {
push (@$indexexparr, $self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'subcollection'}->{$subcollection});
# add expressions for languages if this index belongs to
# a language subcollection - only put languages expressions for the
# ones we want in the index
my @languages = ();
my $language_metadata = "Language";
if (defined ($self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'language_metadata'})) {
$language_metadata = $self->{'collect_cfg'}->{'language_metadata'};
@languages = split /,/, $language if (defined $language);
foreach my $language (@languages) {
my $not=0;
if ($language =~ s/^\!//) {
$not = 1;
if($not) {
push (@$langarr, "!$language");
} else {
push (@$langarr, "$language");
# Build index dictionary. Uses verbatim stem method
print $outhandle "\n creating index dictionary\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
my ($handle);
if ($self->{'debug'}) {
$handle = *STDOUT;
else {
if (!-e "$mg_passes_exe" ||
!open($handle, "| mg_passes$exe -f \"$fullindexprefix\" -b $maxdocsize " .
"-$index_level -m 32 -s 0 -G -t 10 -N1 -M $maxnumeric $osextra")) {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_passes_exe\n";
# set up the document processor
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_output_handle ($handle);
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_mode ('text');
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_index ($index, $indexexparr);
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_index_languages ($language_metadata, $langarr) if (defined $language);
$self->{'buildproc'}->set_indexing_text (1);
&plugin::read ($self->{'pluginfo'}, $self->{'source_dir'},
"", {}, {}, $self->{'buildproc'}, $self->{'maxdocs'},0, $self->{'gli'});
close ($handle) unless $self->{'debug'};
# now we check to see if the required files have been produced - if not we quit building this index so the whole process doesn't crap out.
# we check on the .id file - index dictionary
my $dict_file = "$fullindexprefix.id";
if (!-e $dict_file) {
print $outhandle "mgbuilder::build_index - Couldn't create index $index\n";
if (!$self->{'debug'}) {
# create the perfect hash function
if (!-e "$mg_perf_hash_build_exe") {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_perf_hash_build_exe\n";
system ("mg_perf_hash_build$exe -f \"$fullindexprefix\" $osextra");
if (!-e "$mg_passes_exe" ||
!open ($handle, "| mg_passes$exe -f \"$fullindexprefix\" -b $maxdocsize " .
"-$index_level -c 3 -G -t 10 -N2 -M $maxnumeric $osextra")) {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_passes_exe\n";
# invert the text
print $outhandle "\n inverting the text\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
&plugin::read ($self->{'pluginfo'}, $self->{'source_dir'},
"", {}, {}, $self->{'buildproc'}, $self->{'maxdocs'},0, $self->{'gli'});
$self->print_stats ();
if (!$self->{'debug'}) {
close ($handle);
# create the weights file
print $outhandle "\n create the weights file\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
if (!-e "$mg_weights_build_exe") {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_weights_build_exe\n";
system ("mg_weights_build$exe -f \"$fullindexprefix\" -t \"$fulltextprefix\" $osextra");
# create 'on-disk' stemmed dictionary
print $outhandle "\n creating 'on-disk' stemmed dictionary\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
if (!-e "$mg_invf_dict_exe") {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_invf_dict_exe\n";
system ("mg_invf_dict$exe -f \"$fullindexprefix\" $osextra");
# creates stem index files for the various stemming methods
print $outhandle "\n creating stem indexes\n" if ($self->{'verbosity'} >= 1);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
if (!-e "$mg_stem_idx_exe") {
print STDERR "\n\n" if $self->{'gli'};
die "mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't run $mg_stem_idx_exe\n";
# currently mg wont work if we don't generate all the stem idexes
# so we generate them whatever, but don't advertise the fact
#if ($self->{'casefold'}) {
system ("mg_stem_idx$exe -b 4096 -s1 -f \"$fullindexprefix\" $osextra");
#if ($self->{'stem'}) {
system ("mg_stem_idx$exe -b 4096 -s2 -f \"$fullindexprefix\" $osextra");
#if ($self->{'casefold'} && $self->{'stem'}) {
system ("mg_stem_idx$exe -b 4096 -s3 -f \"$fullindexprefix\" $osextra");
# remove unwanted files
my $tmpdir = &util::filename_cat ($self->{'build_dir'}, $indexdir);
opendir (DIR, $tmpdir) || die
"mgbuilder::build_index - couldn't read directory $tmpdir\n";
foreach my $file (readdir(DIR)) {
next if $file =~ /^\./;
my ($suffix) = $file =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/;
if (defined $suffix && !defined $wanted_index_files{$suffix}) {
# delete it!
print $outhandle "deleting $file\n" if $self->{'verbosity'} > 2;
&util::rm (&util::filename_cat ($tmpdir, $file));
closedir (DIR);
print STDERR "\n" if $self->{'gli'};
sub build_cfg_extra {
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($build_cfg) = @_;
# get additional stats from mg
my $exedir = "$ENV{'GSDLHOME'}/bin/$ENV{'GSDLOS'}";
my $exe = &util::get_os_exe ();
my $mgstat_exe = &util::filename_cat($exedir, "mgstat$exe");
my $collect_tail = &util::get_dirsep_tail($self->{'collection'});
my $input_file = &util::filename_cat ("text", $collect_tail);
if (!-e "$mgstat_exe" || !open (PIPEIN, "mgstat$exe -d \"$self->{'build_dir'}\" -f \"$input_file\" |")) {
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
print $outhandle "Warning: Couldn't open pipe to $mgstat_exe to get additional stats\n";
} else {
my $line = "";
while (defined ($line = )) {
if ($line =~ /^Words in collection \[dict\]\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
($build_cfg->{'numwords'}) = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^Documents\s+:\s+(\d+)/) {
($build_cfg->{'numsections'}) = $1;
close PIPEIN;