# ImageConverter - helper plugin that does image conversion using ImageMagick
# A component of the Greenstone digital library software
# from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
# University of Waikato, New Zealand.
# Copyright (C) 2008 New Zealand Digital Library Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package ImageConverter;
use BaseMediaConverter;
use strict;
no strict 'refs'; # allow filehandles to be variables and viceversa
use gsprintf 'gsprintf';
@ImageConverter::ISA = ('BaseMediaConverter');
my $arguments = [
{ 'name' => "create_thumbnail",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.create_thumbnail}",
'type' => "enum",
'list' => [{'name' => "true", 'desc' => "{common.true}"},
{'name' => "false", 'desc' => "{common.false}"}],
'deft' => "true",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "thumbnailsize",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.thumbnailsize}",
'type' => "int",
'deft' => "100",
'range' => "1,",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "thumbnailtype",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.thumbnailtype}",
'type' => "string",
'deft' => "gif",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "noscaleup",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.noscaleup}",
'type' => "flag",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "create_screenview",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.create_screenview}",
'type' => "enum",
'list' => [{'name' => "true", 'desc' => "{common.true}"},
{'name' => "false", 'desc' => "{common.false}"}],
'deft' => "true",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "screenviewsize",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.screenviewsize}",
'type' => "int",
'deft' => "500",
'range' => "1,",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "screenviewtype",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.screenviewtype}",
'type' => "string",
'deft' => "jpg",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "converttotype",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.converttotype}",
'type' => "string",
'deft' => "",
'reqd' => "no" },
{ 'name' => "minimumsize",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.minimumsize}",
'type' => "int",
'deft' => "100",
'range' => "1,",
'reqd' => "no" }
my $options = { 'name' => "ImageConverter",
'desc' => "{ImageConverter.desc}",
'abstract' => "yes",
'inherits' => "yes",
'args' => $arguments };
sub new {
my ($class) = shift (@_);
my ($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_;
push(@$pluginlist, $class);
my $self = new BaseMediaConverter($pluginlist, $inputargs, $hashArgOptLists, 1);
return bless $self, $class;
# needs to be called after BasePlugin init, so that outhandle is set up.
sub init {
my $self = shift(@_);
$self->{'tmp_file_paths'} = ();
# Check that ImageMagick is installed and available on the path
my $image_conversion_available = 1;
my $no_image_conversion_reason = "";
# None of this works very well on Windows 95/98...
if ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} eq "windows" && !Win32::IsWinNT()) {
$image_conversion_available = 0;
$no_image_conversion_reason = "win95notsupported";
} else {
my $result = `identify -help 2>&1`;
my $return_value = $?;
if ( ($ENV{'GSDLOS'} eq "windows" && $return_value == 256) || $return_value == -1) { # Linux and Windows return different values for "program not found"
$image_conversion_available = 0;
$no_image_conversion_reason = "imagemagicknotinstalled";
$self->{'image_conversion_available'} = $image_conversion_available;
$self->{'no_image_conversion_reason'} = $no_image_conversion_reason;
if ($self->{'image_conversion_available'} == 0) {
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
&gsprintf($outhandle, "ImageConverter: {ImageConverter.noconversionavailable} ({ImageConverter.".$self->{'no_image_conversion_reason'}."})\n");
# convert image to new type if converttotype is set
# generate thumbnails if required
# generate screenview if required
# discover image metadata
# filename_no_path must be in utf8 and url-encoded
sub generate_images {
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($filename_full_path, $filename_no_path, $doc_obj, $section) = @_;
# check image magick status
return 0 if $self->{'image_conversion_available'} == 0;
# check the filenames
return 0 if ($filename_no_path eq "" || !-f $filename_full_path);
if ($self->{'enable_cache'}) {
my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'};
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
# check the size of the image against minimum size if specified
my $minimumsize = $self->{'minimumsize'};
if (defined $minimumsize && (-s $filename_full_path < $minimumsize)) {
print $outhandle "ImageConverter: \"$filename_full_path\" too small, skipping\n"
if ($verbosity > 1);
return 0; # or is there a better return value??
my $filehead = $filename_no_path;
$filehead =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; # filename with no extension
my $assocfilemeta = "[assocfilepath]";
if ($section ne $doc_obj->get_top_section()) {
$assocfilemeta = "[parent(Top):assocfilepath]";
# The images that will get generated may contain percent signs in their src filenames
# Encode those percent signs themselves so that urls to the imgs refer to them correctly
my $url_to_filehead = &unicode::filename_to_url($filehead);
my $url_to_filename_no_path = &unicode::filename_to_url($filename_no_path);
# Convert the image to a new type (if required).
my $converttotype = $self->{'converttotype'};
my $type = "unknown";
if ($converttotype ne "" && $filename_full_path !~ m/$converttotype$/) {
# $doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata($section, "Image", $utf8_filename_meta);
my ($result, $converted_filename_full_path)
= $self->convert($filename_full_path, $converttotype, "", "CONVERTTYPE");
$type = $converttotype;
$filename_full_path = $converted_filename_full_path;
$filename_no_path = "$filehead.$type";
$url_to_filename_no_path = "$url_to_filehead.$type";
# add Image metadata
$doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata($section, "Image", $url_to_filename_no_path); # url to generated image
# here we overwrite the original with the potentially converted one
$doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($section, "Source", &unicode::url_decode($filename_no_path)); # displayname of generated image
$doc_obj->set_utf8_metadata_element($section, "SourceFile", $url_to_filename_no_path); # displayname of generated image
# use identify to get info about the (possibly converted) image
my ($image_type, $image_width, $image_height, $image_size)
= &identify($filename_full_path, $outhandle, $verbosity);
if ($image_type ne " ") {
$type = $self->correct_mime_type($image_type);
#overwrite the ones added in BasePlugin
$doc_obj->set_metadata_element ($section, "FileFormat", $type);
$doc_obj->set_metadata_element ($section, "FileSize", $image_size);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ImageType", $image_type);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ImageWidth", $image_width);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ImageHeight", $image_height);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ImageSize", $image_size);
if ((defined $self->{'MaxImageWidth'})
&& ($image_width > $self->{'MaxImageWidth'})) {
$self->{'MaxImageWidth'} = $image_width;
if ((defined $self->{'MaxImageHeight'})
&& ($image_height > $self->{'MaxImageHeight'})) {
$self->{'MaxImageHeight'} = $image_height;
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "srclink", "");
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "/srclink", "");
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "srcicon", "
# Add the image as an associated file
$doc_obj->associate_file($filename_full_path, $filename_no_path, "image/$type", $section);
if ($self->{'create_thumbnail'} eq "true") {
$self->create_thumbnail($filename_full_path, $filehead, $doc_obj, $section, $assocfilemeta, $url_to_filehead);
if ($self->{'create_screenview'} eq "true") {
$self->create_screenview($filename_full_path, $filehead, $doc_obj, $section, $assocfilemeta, $url_to_filehead, $image_width, $image_height);
sub create_thumbnail {
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($original_file, $filehead, $doc_obj, $section, $assocfilemeta, $url_to_filehead) = @_;
$url_to_filehead = $filehead unless defined $url_to_filehead;
my $thumbnailsize = $self->{'thumbnailsize'};
my $thumbnailtype = $self->correct_mime_type($self->{'thumbnailtype'});
# Generate the thumbnail with convert
my ($result,$thumbnailfile)
= $self->convert($original_file, $thumbnailtype, "-geometry $thumbnailsize" . "x$thumbnailsize", "THUMB");
# Add the thumbnail as an associated file ...
if (-e "$thumbnailfile") {
$doc_obj->associate_file("$thumbnailfile", $filehead."_thumb.$thumbnailtype",
"image/$thumbnailtype",$section); # name of generated image
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ThumbType", $thumbnailtype);
$doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($section, "Thumb", $url_to_filehead."_thumb.$thumbnailtype"); # url to generated image
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "thumbicon", "
# Extract Thumbnail metadata from convert output
if ($result =~ m/[0-9]+x[0-9]+=>([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/) {
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ThumbWidth", $1);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ThumbHeight", $2);
} else {
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
print $outhandle "Couldn't find thumbnail $thumbnailfile\n";
sub create_screenview {
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($original_file, $filehead, $doc_obj, $section, $assocfilemeta, $url_to_filehead, $image_width, $image_height) = @_;
$url_to_filehead = $filehead unless defined $url_to_filehead;
my $screenviewsize = $self->{'screenviewsize'};
my $screenviewtype = $self->correct_mime_type($self->{'screenviewtype'});
# Scale the image, unless the original image is smaller than the screenview size and -noscaleup is set
my $scale_option = "-geometry $screenviewsize" . "x$screenviewsize";
if ($self->{'noscaleup'} && $image_width < $screenviewsize && $image_height < $screenviewsize)
$scale_option = "";
# make the screenview image
my ($result,$screenviewfilename)
= $self->convert($original_file, $screenviewtype, $scale_option, "SCREEN");
#add the screenview as an associated file ...
if (-e "$screenviewfilename") {
$doc_obj->associate_file("$screenviewfilename", $filehead."_screen.$screenviewtype", "image/$screenviewtype",$section); # name of generated image
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ScreenType", $screenviewtype);
$doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata ($section, "Screen", $url_to_filehead."_screen.$screenviewtype"); # url to generated image
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "screenicon", "
# get screenview dimensions, size and type
if ($result =~ m/[0-9]+x[0-9]+=>([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/) {
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ScreenWidth", $1);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ScreenHeight", $2);
} elsif ($result =~ m/([0-9]+)x([0-9]+)/) {
#if the image hasn't changed size, the previous regex doesn't match
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ScreenWidth", $1);
$doc_obj->add_metadata ($section, "ScreenHeight", $2);
} else {
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
print $outhandle "Couldn't find screenview file $screenviewfilename\n";
sub convert {
my $self = shift(@_);
my $source_file_path = shift(@_);
my $target_file_type = shift(@_);
my $convert_options = shift(@_) || "";
my $convert_id = shift(@_) || "";
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'};
my $source_file_no_path = &File::Basename::basename($source_file_path);
# Determine the full name and path of the output file
my $target_file_path;
if ($self->{'enable_cache'}) {
my $cached_image_dir = $self->{'cached_dir'};
my $image_root = $self->{'cached_file_root'};
$image_root .= "_$convert_id" if ($convert_id ne "");
my $image_file = "$image_root.$target_file_type";
$target_file_path = &util::filename_cat($cached_image_dir,$image_file);
else {
$target_file_path = &util::get_tmp_filename($target_file_type);
push(@{$self->{'tmp_file_paths'}}, $target_file_path);
# Output filename used to be parsed from result line:
# my ($ofilename) = ($result =~ m/=>(.*\.$target_file_type)/);
# by the function that called 'convert'
# but this is no longer needed, as output filename is now
# explicitly passed back
# Generate and run the convert command
my $convert_command = "convert -interlace plane -verbose $convert_options \"$source_file_path\" \"$target_file_path\"";
my $print_info = { 'message_prefix' => $convert_id,
'message' => "Converting image $source_file_no_path to: $convert_id $target_file_type" };
my ($regenerated,$result,$had_error)
= $self->autorun_general_cmd($convert_command,$target_file_path,$print_info);
return ($result,$target_file_path);
# Discover the characteristics of an image file with the ImageMagick
# "identify" command.
sub identify {
my ($image, $outhandle, $verbosity) = @_;
# Use the ImageMagick "identify" command to get the file specs
my $command = "identify \"$image\" 2>&1";
print $outhandle "$command\n" if ($verbosity > 2);
my $result = '';
$result = `$command`;
print $outhandle "$result\n" if ($verbosity > 3);
# Read the type, width, and height
my $type = 'unknown';
my $width = 'unknown';
my $height = 'unknown';
my $image_safe = quotemeta $image;
if ($result =~ /^$image_safe (\w+) (\d+)x(\d+)/) {
$type = $1;
$width = $2;
$height = $3;
# Read the size
my $size = "unknown";
if ($result =~ m/^.* ([0-9]+)b/) {
$size = $1;
elsif ($result =~ m/^.* ([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?kb?/) {
$size = 1024 * $1;
if (defined($2)) {
$size = $size + (1024 * $2);
# Truncate size (it isn't going to be very accurate anyway)
$size = int($size);
elsif ($result =~ m/^.* (([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))?e\+([0-9]+))(kb|b)?/) {
# Deals with file sizes on Linux of type "3.4e+02kb" where e+02 is 1*10^2.
# 3.4e+02 therefore evaluates to 3.4 x 1 x 10^2 = 340kb.
# Programming languages including Perl know how that 3.4e+02 is a number,
# so we don't need to do any calculations.
$size = $1*1; # turn the string into a number by multiplying it by 1
#if we did $size = $1; $size would be merely the string "3.4e+02"
$size = int($size); # truncate size
print $outhandle "file: $image:\t $type, $width, $height, $size\n"
if ($verbosity > 2);
# Return the specs
return ($type, $width, $height, $size);
sub clean_up_temporary_files {
my $self = shift(@_);
foreach my $tmp_file_path (@{$self->{'tmp_file_paths'}}) {
if (-e $tmp_file_path) {
# image/jpg is not a valid mime-type, it ought to be image/jpeg.
# Sometimes JPEG is passed in also, want to keep things lowercase just in case.
sub correct_mime_type {
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($file_extension) = @_;
$file_extension = lc($file_extension);
$file_extension =~ s/jpg/jpeg/s;
return $file_extension;