# StructuredHTMLPlugin.pm -- html plugin with extra facilities for teasing out
# hierarchical structure (such as h1, h2, h3, or user-defined tags) in an
# HTML document
# A component of the Greenstone digital library software
# from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
# University of Waikato, New Zealand.
# Copyright (C) 1999 New Zealand Digital Library Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# This plugin is to process an HTML file where sections are divided by
# user-defined headings tags. As it is difficult to predict what user's definition
# this plugin allows to detect the user-defined titles up to three levels (level1, level2, level3...)
# as well as allows to get rid of user-defined Table of Content (TOC)...
# format:e.g. level1 (Abstract_title|ChapterTitle|Referencing Heading) level2(SectionHeading)...
package StructuredHTMLPlugin;
use HTMLPlugin;
use ImageConverter; # want the identify method
use strict; # every perl program should have this!
no strict 'refs'; # make an exception so we can use variables as filehandles
sub BEGIN {
@StructuredHTMLPlugin::ISA = ('HTMLPlugin');
my $arguments =
{ 'name' => "level1_header",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.level1_header}",
'type' => "regexp",
'reqd' => "no",
'deft' => "" },
{ 'name' => "level2_header",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.level2_header}",
'type' => "regexp",
'reqd' => "no",
'deft' => "" },
{ 'name' => "level3_header",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.level3_header}",
'type' => "regexp",
'reqd' => "no",
'deft' => "" },
{ 'name' => "title_header",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.title_header}",
'type' => "regexp",
'reqd' => "no",
'deft' => "" },
{ 'name' => "delete_toc",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.delete_toc}",
'type' => "flag",
'reqd' => "no"},
{ 'name' => "toc_header",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.toc_header}",
'type' => "regexp",
'reqd' => "no",
'deft' => "" }
my $options = { 'name' => "StructuredHTMLPlugin",
'desc' => "{StructuredHTMLPlugin.desc}",
'abstract' => "no",
'inherits' => "yes",
'args' => $arguments };
sub new {
my ($class) = shift (@_);
my ($pluginlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_;
push(@$pluginlist, $class);
my $self = new HTMLPlugin($pluginlist, $inputargs, $hashArgOptLists);
return bless $self, $class;
sub process {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($textref, $pluginfo, $base_dir, $file, $metadata, $doc_obj, $gli) = @_;
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
my @head_and_body = split(/
my $doctitle = $1 if defined $1;
if (defined $self->{'metadata_fields'} && $self->{'metadata_fields'}=~ /\S/) {
my @doc_properties = split(//i,$head);
my $doc_heading = shift(@doc_properties);
my $rest_doc_properties = join(" ", @doc_properties);
my @extracted_metadata = split(/<\/xml>/i, $rest_doc_properties);
my $extracted_metadata = shift (@extracted_metadata);
$self->extract_metadata($extracted_metadata, $metadata, $doc_obj);
# set the title here if we haven't found it yet
if (!defined $doc_obj->get_metadata_element ($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "Title")) {
if (defined $doctitle && $doctitle =~ /\S/) {
$doc_obj->add_metadata($doc_obj->get_top_section(), "Title", $doctitle);
} else {
# If delete_toc is enabled, it means to get rid of toc and tof contents.
# get rid of TOC and TOF sections and their title
if (defined $self->{'delete_toc'} && ($self->{'delete_toc'} == 1)){
if (defined $self->{'toc_header'}&& $self->{'toc_header'} =~ /\S/){
$body_text =~ s/{'toc_header'})[^>]*)>(.+?)<\/p>//isg;
if (defined $self->{'title_header'} && $self->{'title_header'}=~ /\S/){
$self->{'title_header'} =~ s/^(\()(.*)(\))/$2/is;
$body_text =~ s/
if (defined $self->{'level1_header'} && $self->{'level1_header'}=~ /\S/ ){
$self->{'level1_header'} =~ s/^\((.*)\)/$1/i;
$body_text =~ s/
if (defined $self->{'level2_header'} && $self->{'level2_header'}=~ /\S/){
$self->{'level2_header'} =~ s/^\((.*)\)/$1/i;
$body_text =~ s/
if (defined $self->{'level3_header'} && $self->{'level3_header'}=~ /\S/ ){
$self->{'level3_header'} =~ s/^\((.*)\)/$1/is;
$body_text =~ s/
# Tidy up extra new lines
$body_text =~ s/(
]*>]*> <\/o:p><\/span><\/p>)//isg;
$body_text =~ s/(]*> <\/o:p><\/p>)//isg;
# what was the following line for. effectively unused. do we need it??
#$section_text .= "\n";
#my $top_section_tag = "\n";
#$body_text =~ s/(, etc tags
my @h_split = split(/(.*)$/s)
my $new_hnum = $1;
my $hc_after = $2;
if ($hc_after =~ m/^(.*?)<\/h$new_hnum>/is)
my $h_text = $1;
$hc =~ s/^(\ \;)+/\ \;/g;
# boil HTML down to some interesting text
$h_text =~ s/^[1-3]>//;
$h_text =~ s/<\/?.*?>//sg;
$h_text =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
$h_text =~ s/^\s$//s;
$h_text =~ s/( )+\W*/ /sg;
if ($h_text =~ m/\w+/)
if ($new_hnum > $hnum)
# increase section nesting
while ($hnum < $new_hnum)
my $spacing = " " x $hnum;
$section_text .= "\n";
else # ($new_hnum <= $hnum)
# descrease section nesting
while ($hnum >= $new_hnum)
my $spacing = " " x $hnum;
$section_text .= "\n";
my $spacing = " " x $hnum;
$section_text .= "\n";
#print $outhandle $spacing."$h_text\n"
# if $self->{'verbosity'} > 2;
$sectionh1++ if ($hnum==1);
else {
### print STDERR "***** hc = = 1)
my $spacing = " " x $hnum;
$section_text .= "\n";
$section_text .= "\n";
$$textref = $section_text;
# if ($sectionh1>0)
# {
# print $outhandle " Located section headings ..."
# if $self->{'verbosity'} > 1;
# }
$$textref =~ s///g;
$$textref =~ s/( )+/ /sg;
## $$textref =~ s/ <\/o:p>//g; # used with VML to space figures?
sub resize_if_necessary
my ($self,$front,$back,$base_dir,$href) = @_;
# dig out width and height of image, if there
my $img_attributes = "$front back";
my ($img_width) = ($img_attributes =~ m/\s+width=\"?(\d+)\"?/i);
my ($img_height) = ($img_attributes =~ m/\s+height=\"?(\d+)\"?/i);
# derive local filename for image based on its URL
my $img_filename = $href;
$img_filename =~ s/^[^:]*:\/\///;
$img_filename = &util::filename_cat($base_dir, $img_filename);
# Replace %20's in URL with a space if required. Note that the filename
# may include the %20 in some situations
if ($img_filename =~ /\%20/) {
if (!-e $img_filename) {
$img_filename =~ s/\%20/ /g;
if ((-e $img_filename) && (defined $img_width) && (defined $img_height)) {
# get image info on width and height
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
my $verbosity = $self->{'verbosity'};
my ($image_type, $actual_width, $actual_height, $image_size)
= &ImageConverter::identify($img_filename, $outhandle, $verbosity);
#print STDERR "**** $actual_width x $actual_height";
#print STDERR " (requested: $img_width x $img_height)\n";
if (($img_width < $actual_width) || ($img_height < $actual_height)) {
#print $outhandle "Resizing $img_filename\n" if ($verbosity > 0);
# derive new image name based on current image
my ($tailname, $dirname, $suffix)
= &File::Basename::fileparse($img_filename, "\\.[^\\.]+\$");
my $resized_filename
= &util::filename_cat($dirname, $tailname."_resized".$suffix);
#print STDERR "**** suffix = $suffix\n";
# Generate smaller image with convert
my $newsize = "$img_width"."x$img_height";
my $command = "convert -interlace plane -verbose "
."-geometry $newsize \"$img_filename\" \"$resized_filename\"";
#print $outhandle "ImageResize: $command\n" if ($verbosity > 2);
#my $result = '';
#print $outhandle "ImageResize result: $result\n" if ($verbosity > 2);
return $href;
sub replace_images {
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($front, $link, $back, $base_dir,
$file, $doc_obj, $section) = @_;
# remove quotes from link at start and end if necessary
if ($link=~/^\"/) {
$link =~ s/\n/ /g;
my ($href, $hash_part, $rl) = $self->format_link ($link, $base_dir, $file);
## $href = $self->resize_if_necessary($front,$back,$base_dir,$href);
my $middle = $self->add_file ($href, $rl, $hash_part, $base_dir, $doc_obj, $section);
return $front . $middle . $back;
sub extract_metadata
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($textref, $metadata, $doc_obj) = @_;
my $outhandle = $self->{'outhandle'};
return if (!defined $textref);
# metadata fields to extract/save. 'key' is the (lowercase) name of the
# html meta, 'value' is the metadata name for greenstone to use
my %find_fields = ();
my ($tag,$value);
my $orig_field = "";
foreach my $field (split /,/, $self->{'metadata_fields'}) {
# support tag
if ($field =~ /^(.*?)<(.*?)>$/) {
# "$2" is the user's preferred gs metadata name
$find_fields{lc($1)}=$2; # lc = lowercase
$orig_field = $1;
} else { # no for mapping
# "$field" is the user's preferred gs metadata name
$find_fields{lc($field)}=$field; # lc = lowercase
$orig_field = $field;
if ($textref =~ m/(.*)<\/o:$orig_field>/i){
$tag = $orig_field;
$value = $1;
if (!defined $value || !defined $tag){
#print $outhandle "StructuredHTMLPlugin: can't find VALUE in \"$tag\"\n";
} else {
# clean up and add
chomp($value); # remove trailing \n, if any
$tag = $find_fields{lc($tag)};
#print $outhandle " extracted \"$tag\" metadata \"$value\"\n"
# if ($self->{'verbosity'} > 2);
$doc_obj->add_utf8_metadata($doc_obj->get_top_section(), $tag, $value);