# FedoraMETSPlugout.pm -- the plugout module for METS archives
# A component of the Greenstone digital library software
# from the New Zealand Digital Library Project at the
# University of Waikato, New Zealand.
# Copyright (C) 2006 New Zealand Digital Library Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# But WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
package FedoraMETSPlugout;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
#eval {require bytes};
#use util;
use METSPlugout;
#use docprint; # for escape_text
sub BEGIN {
@FedoraMETSPlugout::ISA = ('METSPlugout');
my $arguments = [
{ 'name' => "fedora_namespace",
'desc' => "{FedoraMETSPlugout.fedora_namespace}",
'type' => "string",
'deft' => "greenstone",
'reqd' => "no",
'hiddengli' => "no"}
my $options = { 'name' => "FedoraMETSPlugout",
'desc' => "{FedoraMETSPlugout.desc}",
'abstract' => "no",
'inherits' => "yes",
'args' => $arguments
sub new
my ($class) = shift (@_);
my ($plugoutlist, $inputargs,$hashArgOptLists) = @_;
push(@$plugoutlist, $class);
my $self = new METSPlugout($plugoutlist,$inputargs,$hashArgOptLists);
return bless $self, $class;
sub output_mets_xml_header
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($handle, $OID, $doc_title) = @_;
my $fnamespace = $self->{'fedora_namespace'};
my $oid_namespace = (defined $fnamespace) ? $fnamespace : "test";
my $collection = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'};
# Might need the following in the schemeLocation attribute for Fedora3
# http://www.fedora.info/definitions/1/0/mets-fedora-ext1-1.xsd
my $extra_attr = "OBJID=\"$oid_namespace:$collection-$OID\" TYPE=\"FedoraObject\" LABEL=\"$doc_title\"";
my $extra_schema = undef;
if ($ENV{'FEDORA_VERSION'} =~ m/^2/) { # checking if major version is 2
$extra_schema = "http://www.fedora.info/definitions/1/0/mets-fedora-ext.xsd";
else {
$extra_attr .= " EXT_VERSION=\"1.1\"";
print $handle ''. "\n"; # A = active
# Print out "family" of doctxt.xml files
sub saveas_doctxt_section
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($doc_obj,$working_dir,$section) = @_;
my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
return unless defined $section_ptr;
my $section_fnum ="1". $section;
$section_fnum =~ s/\./_/g;
my $doc_txt_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir,"doctxt$section_fnum.xml");
my $outhandler;
if (defined $self->{'xslt_writer'}){
$outhandler = $self->{'xslt_writer'};
$outhandler = $self->get_output_handler($doc_txt_file);
$self->output_txt_section($outhandler,$doc_obj, $section);
if (defined $self->{'xslt_writer'}){
# Output all the subsections as separate files
foreach my $subsection (@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}}){
$self->saveas_doctxt_section($doc_obj, $working_dir, "$section.$subsection");
sub saveas_doctxt
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($doc_obj,$working_dir) = @_;
my $section = $doc_obj->get_top_section();
sub buffer_toc
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($doc_obj,$working_dir,$section,$depth) = @_;
my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
return "" unless defined $section_ptr;
my $all_text = "";
my $section_num ="1". $section;
my $indent = " " x ($depth*2);
$all_text .= "$indent\n";
# Output all the subsections as separate files
foreach my $subsection (@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}})
.= $self->buffer_toc($doc_obj, $working_dir,
$all_text .= "$indent\n";
return $all_text;
sub saveas_toc
my $self = shift (@_);
my ($doc_obj,$working_dir) = @_;
my $section = $doc_obj->get_top_section();
my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
my $num_subsections = scalar(@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}});
# If num_subsections is 0, then there is no nested TOC
if ($num_subsections>0) {
my $doc_txt_file = &util::filename_cat ($working_dir,"doctoc.xml");
my $outhandler;
if (defined $self->{'xslt_writer'}){
$outhandler = $self->{'xslt_writer'};
$outhandler = $self->get_output_handler($doc_txt_file);
print $outhandler $self->buffer_toc($doc_obj, $working_dir, $section, 0);
if (defined $self->{'xslt_writer'}){
sub buffer_mets_relsext_xml
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj) = @_;
my $OID = $doc_obj->get_OID();
my $fnamespace = $self->{'fedora_namespace'};
my $oid_namespace = (defined $fnamespace) ? $fnamespace : "test";
my $collection = $ENV{'GSDLCOLLECTION'};
my $fed_id = "$oid_namespace:$collection-$OID";
my $all_text = "";
my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section();
my $plugin_type = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section,"Plugin");
# Images do not get ingested into Fedora when on Linux if the following is included
# Needs more investigation, since we'd like a working version of the following
# in order to get thumbnails working and other stuff.
# if ((defined $plugin_type) && ($plugin_type eq "ImagePlugin"))
# {
# $all_text .= "\n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= " \n";
# $all_text .= "\n";
# }
return $all_text;
# Print out docmets.xml file
sub output_mets_section
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($handle, $doc_obj, $section, $working_dir) = @_;
# print out the dmdSection
print $handle $self->buffer_mets_dmdSection_section_xml($doc_obj,$section);
print $handle $self->buffer_mets_relsext_xml($doc_obj);
print $handle "\n";
print $handle " \n";
# Generate Filestream for Table of Contents (TOC)
my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
my $num_subsections = scalar(@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}});
# If num_subsections is 0, then there is no nested TOC
if ($num_subsections>0) {
print $handle $self->buffer_mets_fileSection_toc($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir);
# print out the fileSection by sections
print $handle $self->buffer_mets_fileSection_section_xml($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir);
# print out the whole fileSection
print $handle $self->buffer_mets_fileWhole_section_xml($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir);
print $handle " \n";
print $handle "\n";
# print out the StructMapSection by sections
my $struct_type = "fedora:dsBindingMap";
# If document is going to make use of deminators (BMech and BDef) then
# need to code up more output XML here (structMap)and in
# METS:behaviorSec (Fedora extension?) sections
sub buffer_mets_amdSec_header
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($section,$id) = @_;
# convert section number
my $section_num ="1". $section;
my $all_text = "";
my $label_attr = "";
$all_text .= "\n";
$all_text .= " \n"; # .0 fedora version number?
$label_attr = "LABEL=\"Metadata\"";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
return $all_text;
sub buffer_mets_amdSec_footer
my $self = shift(@_);
my $all_text = "";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= "\n";
return $all_text;
sub oai_dc_metadata_xml
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj,$section) = @_;
my $all_text = "";
my $dc_namespace = "";
$dc_namespace .= "xmlns:dc=\"http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/\"";
$dc_namespace .= " xmlns:oai_dc=\"http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/\" ";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= $self->get_dc_metadata($doc_obj, $section,"oai_dc");
$all_text .= " \n";
return $all_text;
# Work out the what the metadata set prefixes (dc,dls etc.) are for
# this document
sub metadata_set_prefixes
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj, $section) = @_;
$section="" unless defined $section;
my $section_ptr = $doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
return {} unless defined $section_ptr;
my $unique_prefix = {};
foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}})
my ($prefix) = ($data->[0]=~ m/^(.*?)\./);
if (defined $prefix)
next if ($prefix eq "dc"); # skip dublin core as handled separately elsewhere
$unique_prefix->{$prefix} = 1;
$unique_prefix->{"ex"} = 1;
return $unique_prefix;
sub mds_metadata_xml
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj, $section, $mds_prefix, $namespace) = @_;
# build up string of metadata with $mds_prefix
$section="" unless defined $section;
my $section_ptr = $doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
return "" unless defined $section_ptr;
my $all_text="";
$all_text .= " <$mds_prefix:$mds_prefix $namespace>\n";
foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}})
if ($data->[0]=~ m/^(?:(.*?)\.)?(.*)$/)
my $curr_mds_prefix = $1;
my $mds_full_element = $2;
$curr_mds_prefix = "ex" unless defined $curr_mds_prefix;
if ($curr_mds_prefix eq $mds_prefix)
# split up full element in the form Title^en into element=Title, attr="en"
my ($mds_element,$subelem) = ($mds_full_element =~ m/^(.*?)(?:\^(.*))?$/);
my $mds_attr = (defined $subelem) ? "qualifier=\"$subelem\"" : "";
my $escaped_value = &docprint::escape_text($data->[1]);
$all_text .= " <$mds_prefix:metadata name=\"$mds_element\" $mds_attr>$escaped_value$mds_prefix:metadata>\n";
$all_text .= " $mds_prefix:$mds_prefix>\n";
$all_text =~ s/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g;
return $all_text;
sub buffer_mets_dmdSection_section_xml
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj,$section) = @_;
$section="" unless defined $section;
my $section_ptr=$doc_obj->_lookup_section($section);
return "" unless defined $section_ptr;
my $all_text = "";
$all_text .= $self->buffer_mets_amdSec_header($section,"DC");
$all_text .= $self->oai_dc_metadata_xml($doc_obj,$section);
$all_text .= $self->buffer_mets_amdSec_footer($section);
# for each metadata set
my $md_sets = $self->metadata_set_prefixes($doc_obj,$section);
foreach my $md_set (keys %$md_sets)
# Greenstone's agnostic approach to metadata sets conflicts with
# Fedoras more clinically prescribed one. Fake a namespace for
# each $md_set to keep both sides happy
my $fake_namespace
= "xmlns:$md_set=\"http://www.greenstone.org/namespace/fake/$md_set\"";
my $id_caps = $md_set;
$id_caps =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$all_text .= $self->buffer_mets_amdSec_header($section,$id_caps);
$all_text .= $self->mds_metadata_xml($doc_obj,$section,$md_set,$fake_namespace);
$all_text .= $self->buffer_mets_amdSec_footer($section);
foreach my $subsection (@{$section_ptr->{'subsection_order'}}){
$all_text .= $self->buffer_mets_dmdSection_section_xml($doc_obj,"$section.$subsection");
$all_text =~ s/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g;
return $all_text;
sub doctxt_to_xlink
my $self = shift @_;
my ($fname,$working_dir) = @_;
my $xlink_href;
my $fedora_prefix = $ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'};
if (!defined $fedora_prefix) {
$xlink_href = "file:$fname";
my $collectparent;
if (defined $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { # we're dealing with a GS3 server
if(defined $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}) { # in case the web directory is located in a separate place
$collectparent = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDL3HOME'},"sites","localsite");
else { # try the default location for the web directory
$collectparent = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'},"web","sites","localsite");
else {
# greenstone 2
$collectparent = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'};
my $gsdl_href = &util::filename_cat($working_dir, $fname);
$collectparent =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # escape reserved metacharacter \ in path (by replacing it with \\) for substitution
$gsdl_href =~ s/^$collectparent(\/|\\)?//; # remove the collectparent path in gsdl_href and any trailing slash
$gsdl_href =~ s/\\/\//g; # make sure we have url paths (which only use / not \)
$gsdl_href = "/gsdl/$gsdl_href"; # prepend gsdl
my $fserver = $ENV{'FEDORA_HOSTNAME'};
my $fport = $ENV{'FEDORA_SERVER_PORT'};
my $fdomain = "http://$fserver:$fport";
$xlink_href = "$fdomain$gsdl_href";
return $xlink_href;
sub buffer_mets_fileSection_toc
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir) = @_;
my $opt_attr = "OWNERID=\"M\"";
my $all_text = ' '. "\n";
$all_text .= " \n";
my $xlink = $self->doctxt_to_xlink("doctoc.xml",$working_dir);
$all_text .= ' SUPER::buffer_mets_fileSection_section_xml($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir,$is_txt_split, $opt_owner_id,"SECTION");
return $all_text;
sub buffer_mets_fileWhole_section_xml
my $self = shift(@_);
my ($doc_obj,$section,$working_dir) = @_;
my $section_ptr = $doc_obj-> _lookup_section($section);
return "" unless defined $section_ptr;
my $all_text="";
my $fileID=0;
# Output the fileSection for the whole section
# => get the sourcefile and associative file
my $id_root = "";
my $opt_owner_id = "OWNERID=\"M\"";
my $first_assocfile = 1;
foreach my $data (@{$section_ptr->{'metadata'}}){
my $escaped_value = &docprint::escape_text($data->[1]);
if ($data->[0] eq "gsdlassocfile"){
$escaped_value =~ m/^(.*?):(.*):(.*)$/;
my $assoc_file = $1;
my $mime_type = $2;
my $assoc_dir = $3;
if ($first_assocfile) {
$id_root = "url";
$first_assocfile = 0;
else {
$id_root = "FG$assoc_file";
$id_root =~ s/\//_/g;
$all_text .= " \n";
# The assoc_file's name may be url-encoded, so the xlink_href in the
# element must be the url to this (possibly url-encoded) filename
my $assocfile_url = &unicode::filename_to_url($assoc_file);
my $assfilePath = ($assoc_dir eq "") ? $assocfile_url : "$assoc_dir/$assocfile_url";
my $mime_attr = "MIMETYPE=\"$mime_type\"";
my $xlink_title = "xlink:title=\"$assoc_file\"";
my $id_attr;
my $xlink_href;
$id_attr = "ID=\"F$id_root.0\"";
my $fedora_prefix = $ENV{'FEDORA_HOME'};
if (!defined $fedora_prefix) {
$xlink_href = "xlink:href=\"$assfilePath\"";
my $collectparent;
if (defined $ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'}) { # we're dealing with a GS3 server
if(defined $ENV{'GSDL3HOME'}) { # in case the web directory is located in a separate place
$collectparent = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDL3HOME'},"sites","localsite");
else { # try the default location for the web directory
$collectparent = &util::filename_cat($ENV{'GSDL3SRCHOME'},"web","sites","localsite");
else {
# greenstone 2
$collectparent = $ENV{'GSDLHOME'};
my $gsdl_href = &util::filename_cat($working_dir,$assfilePath);
$collectparent =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; # escape reserved metacharacter \ in path (by replacing it with \\) for substitution
$gsdl_href =~ s/^$collectparent(\/|\\)?//; # remove the collectparent path in gsdl_href and any trailing slash
$gsdl_href =~ s/\\/\//g; # make sure we have url paths (which only use / not \)
$gsdl_href = "/gsdl/$gsdl_href"; # prepend gsdl
my $fserver = $ENV{'FEDORA_HOSTNAME'};
my $fport = $ENV{'FEDORA_SERVER_PORT'};
my $fdomain = "http://$fserver:$fport";
$xlink_href = "xlink:href=\"$fdomain$gsdl_href\"";
my $top_section = $doc_obj->get_top_section();
my $id = $doc_obj->get_metadata_element($top_section,"Identifier");
### print STDERR "**** mime-type: $mime_attr\n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text .= " \n";
$all_text =~ s/[\x00-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x1F]//g;
return $all_text;