# this file must be UTF-8 encoded
package Global
_optsite_ {}
_htmlextra_ {}
# now defined in nav_css/nav_ns4 macro files
#_starthighlight_ {}
#_endhighlight_ {}
# page content
# these should always be overridden for each page/collection
_content_ {
_pagetitle_ {_textdefaulttitle_}
_imagethispage_ {}
_iconcollection_ {}
_collectionname_ {}
package Global
_imagecollection_ {_If_("_iconcollection_" ne "",
_imagecollection_ [v=1] {_imagecollectionv_}
_imagecollectionv_ {_If_(_collectionname_,_collectionname_
# these width macros are read in by the server when calculating
# width of navigation bar etc. There should be one for each
# classification that this receptionist supports, one for the
# search button, and the _pagewidth_ macro which is the total width
# of the page
# width of tabs when displaying tables of contents
_tabwidth_ {25}
_pagewidth_ {537}
# defaultwidth is the width buttons default to if not included in this list
_defaultwidth_ {87}
_searchwidth_ {_widthtsrchx_}
# Macros whose values are set from within the server at runtime. These
# are here only for reference and to set default values if required.
# _win32_ will be set to 1 if we're on windows
_win32_ {}
# all cgi args are set as _cgiargX_ macros - those I've put here
# are those that need to default to something
_cgiargd_ {}
_cgiargcl_ {}
# set from within the query action
_hselection_ {}
_jselection_ {}
_nselection_ {}
#level (granularity) selection for mgpp
_gselection_ {}
#level selection for form searching - dont have paragraph
_gformselection_ {_gselection_}
_fqfselection_ {}
# sort field for lucene
_sfselection_ {}
# navigation bar
# Most of the stuff to do with navigation bars is now defined in nav_css.dm
# and nav_ns4.dm
_dynamicclassifiernavbarentries_ {}
_navigationbar_ {}
_widthtspace_ {2}
_navlinktitle_ {_If_("_label_1__" eq "\_label_1_\_",_1_,_label_1__)}
_navlinkalt_ {_If_("_textdescr_1__" ne "\_textdescr_1_\_", _textdescr_1__, _If_("_text_1__" eq "\_text_1_\_",_textdescrdefault_(_1_),_textdescrdefault_(_text_1__)) }
# global navigation links
# _globallinks_ is now defined in nav_css and nav_ns4 macro files
# general web macros
_gsdltop_ {_top}
# http macros
# These contain the url without any quotes
# _httpprefix_ and _httpweb_ defined by the server
_httpimages_ {_httpweb_/images}
_httpscript_ {_httpweb_/script}
_httpstyle_ {_httpweb_/style}
_httpflash_ {_httpweb_/flash}
_httpjava_ {_httpweb_/java}
# old macros, for backwards compatibility
_httpimg_ {_httpimages_}
# collection versions of the same directories
_httpcimages_ {_httpcollection_/images}
_httpcscript_ {_httpcollection_/script}
_httpcstyle_ {_httpcollection_/style}
_httpcflash_ {_httpcollection_/flash}
_httpcjava_ {_httpcollection_/java}
_httpassocdir_ {_httpcollection_/index/assoc}
_httpdocimg_ {_httpassocdir_/_thisOID_}
# old macros, for backwards compatibility
_httpcollimg_ {_httpcollection_/index/assoc}
_httpcollection_ {_httpprefix_/collect/_cgiargc_}
_httppagex_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=p&p=_1_}
_httppagestatus_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=status&p=frameset}
_httppagetranslator_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=gti&p=home}
_httppagecollector_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=collector&p=intro}
_httppagedepositor_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=depositor&p=select}
_httppagegli_ {_httppagex_(gli)}
_httppageabout_ {_httppagex_(about)}
#_httppagehome_ {_httppagex_(home)}
###_httppagehome_ {http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/dblibrary?a=p&p=home}
_httppagehome_ {_gwcgi_?a=p&p=home&l=_cgiargl_&w=_cgiargw_}
_httppagehelp_ {_httppagex_(help)}
_httppagepref_ {_httppagex_(preferences)}
_httppagedocs_ {_httppagex_(docs)}
_httpclearhistory_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=dh}
_httpgreenstone_ {_httppagex_(gsdl)}
_httpdownload_ {http://www.nzdl.org/download}
_httppublications_ {_httpdownload_/greenstone/publications}
_httpcurrentdocument_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&cl=_cgiargcl_&d=_cgiargd_}
_httpquery_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=q}
_httpBrowse_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=br}
# _httpdoc_ is the same as _httpdocument_ - _httpdocument_
# may occasionally be altered by the server however
_httpdocument_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=d}
_httpdoc_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=d}
_httpdocumenthandle_ {_httpprefix_handle/_1_/_2_}
_httpextlink_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=extlink}
_httpbuild_ {_gwcgi_?e=_compressedoptions_&a=bc}
# this is obsolete now (still used by collector). done by stylesheet instead
_httpiconchalk_ {_httpimg_/chalk.gif}
_widthchalk_ {2000}
_heightchalk_ {10}
_httpicondivb_ {_httpimg_/divb.gif}
# these sizes are obsolete, now done in style sheet
_widthdivb_ {_pagewidth_}
_heightdivb_ {17}
_httpicongsdl_ {_httpimg_/gsdl.gif}
_widthgsdl_ {140}
_heightgsdl_ {77}
_httpiconitext_ {_httpimg_/itext.gif}
_widthitext_ {16}
_heightitext_ {21}
_httpiconiworld_ {_httpimg_/iworld.gif}
_widthiworld_ {16}
_heightiworld_ {21}
_httpiconiunknown_ {_httpimg_/iunknown.gif}
_widthiunknown_ {16}
_heightiunknown_ {21}
_httpiconibtext_ {_httpimg_/ibtext.gif}
_widthibtext_ {16}
_heightibtext_ {21}
_httpiconimpegvideo_ {_httpimg_/impegvid.gif}
_widthimpegvideo_ {29}
_heightimpegvideo_ {32}
_httpiconiqtvideo_ {_httpimg_/iqtvideo.gif}
_widthiqtvideo_ {29}
_heightiqtvideo_ {32}
_httpiconirmvideo_ {_httpimg_/irmvideo.gif}
_widthirmvideo_ {29}
_heightirmvideo_ {32}
_httpiconless_ {_httpimg_/less.gif}
_widthless_ {30}
_heightless_ {16}
_httpiconmore_ {_httpimg_/more.gif}
_widthmore_ {30}
_heightmore_ {16}
_httpiconspacer_ {_httpimg_/spacer.gif}
_widthspacer_ {42}
_heightspacer_ {4}
_httpicontabspace_ {_httpimg_/tabspace.gif}
_widthtabspace_ {23}
_heighttabspace_ {1}
_httpicontspace_ {_httpimg_/bg_green.png}
_heighttspace_ {17}
_httpiconwarning_ {_httpimg_/warning.gif}
_widthwarning_ {30}
_heightwarning_ {29}
_widthhhome_ {200}
_heighthhome_ {57}
_httpiconarrrght_ {_httpimg_/arrrght.gif}
_widtharrrght_ {23}
_heightarrrght_ {15}
_httpiconopenbook_ {_httpimg_/openbook.gif}
_widthopenbook_ {28}
_heightopenbook_ {23}
_httpiconaopenbk_ {_httpimg_/aopenbk.gif}
_widthaopenbk_ {28}
_heightaopenbk_ {23}
_httpiconopenfldr_ {_httpimg_/openfldr.gif}
_widthopenfldr_ {23}
_heightopenfldr_ {15}
_httpiconaopenfdr_ {_httpimg_/aopenfdr.gif}
_widthaopenfdr_ {23}
_heightaopenfdr_ {15}
_httpiconbook_ {_httpimg_/book.gif}
_widthbook_ {18}
_heightbook_ {11}
_httpiconabook_ {_httpimg_/abook.gif}
_widthabook_ {18}
_heightabook_ {11}
_httpiconbshelf_ {_httpimg_/bshelf.gif}
_widthbshelf_ {20}
_heightbshelf_ {16}
_httpiconabshelf_ {_httpimg_/abshelf.gif}
_widthabshelf_ {20}
_heightabshelf_ {16}
_httpiconsmtext_ {_httpimg_/smtext.gif}
_widthsmtext_ {23}
_heightsmtext_ {15}
_httpiconasmtext_ {_httpimg_/asmtext.gif}
_widthasmtext_ {23}
_heightasmtext_ {15}
_httpiconclsdfldr_ {_httpimg_/clsdfldr.gif}
_widthclsdfldr_ {23}
_heightclsdfldr_ {15}
_httpiconaclsdfdr_ {_httpimg_/aclsdfdr.gif}
_widthaclsdfdr_ {23}
_heightaclsdfdr_ {15}
_httpiconimidi_ {_httpimg_/imidi.gif}
_widthimidi_ {16}
_heightimidi_ {21}
_httpiconimsword_ {_httpimg_/imsword.gif}
_widthimsword_ {26}
_heightimsword_ {26}
_httpiconimp3_ {_httpimg_/imp3.gif}
_widthimp3_ {25}
_heightimp3_ {20}
_httpiconipdf_ {_httpimg_/ipdf.gif}
_widthipdf_ {26}
_heightipdf_ {26}
_httpiconips_ {_httpimg_/ips.gif}
_widthips_ {25}
_heightips_ {32}
_httpiconippt_ {_httpimg_/ippt.gif}
_widthippt_ {32}
_heightippt_ {30}
_httpiconirtf_ {_httpimg_/irtf.gif}
_widthirtf_ {29}
_heightirtf_ {32}
_httpiconixls_ {_httpimg_/iexcel.gif}
_widthixls_ {32}
_heightixls_ {30}
_httpiconspace_ {_httpimg_/space.gif}
# Icons
# Must not include links (so they can be used as links). If you want to
# include links use _image
_iconnext_[v=1] {_texticonnext_}
_iconprev_[v=1] {_texticonprev_}
_icontext_ {
_icontext_[v=1] {_texticontext_}
_iconworld_ {
_iconworld_[v=1] {_texticonworld_}
_iconunknown_ {
_iconunknown_[v=1] {_texticonunknown_}
_iconblanktext_ {
_iconblanktext_[v=1] {}
_iconclosedbook_ {
_iconclosedbook_ [v=1] {_texticonclosedbook_: }
_iconclosedbook_ [v=1,l=zh]{<_font_>_texticonclosedbook_: }
_icondoc_ {
_icondoc_[v=1] {_texticonmsword_}
_iconmp3_ {
_iconmp3_[v=1] {_texticonmp3_}
_iconmidi_ {
_iconmidi_[v=1] {_texticonmidi_}
_iconpdf_ {
_iconpdf_[v=1] {_texticonpdf_}
_iconps_ {
_iconps_[v=1] {_texticonps_}
_iconppt_ {
_iconppt_[v=1] {_texticonppt_}
_iconrtf_ {
_iconrtf_[v=1] {_texticonrtf_}
_iconxls_ {
_iconxls_[v=1] {_texticonxls_}
# Image links
# These might include a link (not like an _icon_
_imagegreenstone_ {
_imagegreenstone_[v=1] {_textdescrgreenstone_}
# Metadata formatting stuff
package format
# _1_ is Year, _2_ is month, _3_ is day
_date_ {_If_("_3_" ne "",_3_ )_If_("_2_" ne "",_textmonth_2__ )_If_("_1_" ne "",_1_)}