# this file must be UTF-8 encoded
package query
# Macros whose values are set from within the server at runtime. These
# are here only for reference and to set default values if required.
_quotedquery_ {}
_freqmsg_ {}
_stopwordsmsg_ {}
_resultline_ {}
_thisfirst_ {}
_thislast_ {}
_nextfirst_ {}
_nextlast_ {}
_prevfirst_ {}
_prevlast_ {}
_searchhistorylist_ {}
#_histvalue0_ to _histvalue19_
_advformlist_ {}
_regformlist_ {}
#_fqfselection_ {}
# icons
_queryresultsbar_ {
_searchhistorybar_ {
# _iconnext_ and _iconprev_ are overridden in this package as we
# don't want alt text here
_iconnext_ [v=1] {}
_iconprev_ [v=1] {}
# the small squares for search history
## " " ## handmade ## mstds ##
_httpiconmstdsqrof_ {_httpimg_/mstdsof.gif}
_httpiconmstdsqron_ {_httpimg_/mstdson.gif}
_widthmstdsqrx_ {13}
_heightmstdsqrx_ {13}
# images
# _imagethispage_ set in nav_css/nav_ns4 macro files
#the buttons for the search history entries
# takes one arg - the entry number (0-num entries)
_imagehistbutton_ {}
# scripts (and some macros for the scripts)
_pagescriptextra_ {_If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1", _formpagescriptextra_, _selectpagescriptextra_)
_If_("_cgiarghd_" ne "0",_historypagescriptextra_) }
_selectpagescriptextra_{_If_("_cgiargqto_" eq "2", _formpagescriptextra_,_dummypagescriptextra_)}
_dummypagescriptextra_{function initialize() \{
\} }
_formpagescriptextra_ {
// query scripts generated by \_query:pagescriptextra\_
function getsearchargs () \{
var args="";
args = "&fqa=0&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf;
_If_(_cgiargb_,args += "&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc;)
return args;
function getqueryargs () \{
return "&fqa=1"+"&q="+argq+"&fqv="+argfqv+"&fqf="+argfqf+
"&fqk="+argfqk+"&fqs="+argfqs+"&fqc="+argfqc ;
var histvalue0='_histvalue0_';
var histvalue1='_histvalue1_';
var histvalue2='_histvalue2_';
var histvalue3='_histvalue3_';
var histvalue4='_histvalue4_';
var histvalue5='_histvalue5_';
var histvalue6='_histvalue6_';
var histvalue7='_histvalue7_';
var histvalue8='_histvalue8_';
var histvalue9='_histvalue9_';
var histvalue10='_histvalue10_';
var histvalue11='_histvalue11_';
var histvalue12='_histvalue12_';
var histvalue13='_histvalue13_';
var histvalue14='_histvalue14_';
var histvalue15='_histvalue15_';
var histvalue16='_histvalue16_';
var histvalue17='_histvalue17_';
var histvalue18='_histvalue18_';
var histvalue19='_histvalue19_';
function inputQuery(value) \{
if ("_cgiargqt_" == "0") \{ // text search
document.QueryForm.q.value += " "+value;
else \{
if ("_cgiargb_" == "1") \{ // advanced query
document.QueryForm.q.value += " "+value;
else \{ // simple form search
// do something here, what??
function getstdargs() \{
stdarg = "";
if (document.QueryForm.t != null) \{
value = document.QueryForm.t.options[document.QueryForm.t.selectedIndex].value;
if (value != "_cgiargt_") stdarg += "&t="+value;
stdarg += "&r=1&hs=1";
return stdarg;
if (document.QueryForm.g!= null) \{
value = document.QueryForm.g.options[document.QueryForm.g.selectedIndex].value;
if (value != "_cgiargg_") stdarg += "&g="+value;
value = document.QueryForm.j.options[document.QueryForm.j.selectedIndex].value;
if (value != "_cgiargj_") stdarg += "&j="+value;
value = document.QueryForm.n.options[document.QueryForm.n.selectedIndex].value;
if (value != "_cgiargn_") stdarg += "&n="+value;
value = document.QueryForm.sf.options[document.QueryForm.sf.selectedIndex].value;
if (value != "_cgiargsf_") stdarg += "&sf="+value;
argq = "";
function initialize () \{
if (document.QueryForm.fqf != null) \{initfqf(); \}
if (document.QueryForm.fqv != null) \{initfqv(); \}
if (document.QueryForm.fqs != null) \{initfqs(); \}
if (document.QueryForm.fqk != null) \{initfqk(); \}
if (document.QueryForm.fqc != null) \{initfqc(); \}
if (document.QueryForm.q != null) \{initq(); \}
// makes a form submit itself when enter is pressed in a text field
function entersubmit(event) \{
if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) \{
\} else \{
if (event && event.which == 13) \{
\} else \{
return true;
// fqf - the field selection box
function initfqf() \{
var i;
fqf = argfqf.split(",");
num_opts = document.QueryForm.fqf[0].options.length; // assumes all have the same options
for (i=0; i= num_opts) \{
z = z-(num_opts);
document.QueryForm.fqf[i].options[z].selected = true;
function updatefqf() \{
var i;
argfqf = "";
var j = document.QueryForm.fqf[0].selectedIndex;
argfqf += document.QueryForm.fqf[0].options[j].value;
for (i=1; i= document.QueryForm.fqf[i].options.length) z = z-document.QueryForm.fqf[i].options.length;
document.QueryForm.fqf[i].options[z].selected = true;
// fqc - the boolean operator selection box
function initfqc() \{
var i,j;
fqc = argfqc.split(",");
if (_cgiargfqn_ == 2) \{ // there will only be one fqc element
for (j=0;j tag of this page - for mgpp, form search pages
#copied from prefs
_header_ {_cgihead_
_htmlhead_(class="bgimage" onLoad="initialize();")_startspacer__pagebanner_
# this declaration ends up being the same as style=restrict, never mind
_header_[v=1] {_cgihead_
# page content
_pagetitle_ {_If_(_cgiargq_,_textquerytitle_,_textnoquerytitle_)}
_content_ {
_selectqueryform_{_If_("_cgiargqt_" eq "1",_fieldqueryform_,_queryform_)}
_queryform_ {
_ifeellucky_ { _textifeellucky_ }
_useifeellucky_ { } # Set this to _ifeellucky_ if you want this functionality available
_allowformbreak_{ }
# Automatically set by receptionist if config file switches
# date searching on
_optdatesearch_ { }
_smallquerybox_ {}
_largequerybox_ {
_fieldqueryform_ {
_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "1",
#has no and/or/not selection box
_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "1",
_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "1",
_fqcselection_ {
_textselect_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,_chooseadvancedsearch_,_textsimplesearch_)}
_chooseadvancedsearch_ {_If_(_cgiargct_,_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "2",_textadvancedlucenesearch_,_textadvancedmgppsearch_),_textadvancedsearch_}
_textformselect_ {_If_(_cgiargb_,_chooseformadvancedsearch_,_textformsimplesearch_)}
_chooseformadvancedsearch_ {_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "1",_textformadvancedsearchmgpp_)_If_("_cgiargct_" eq "2",_textformadvancedsearchlucene_)}
# mg uses hselection for index, mgpp uses fqfselection
# we want to put the links to previous/next pages of results
# in the footer
_pagefooterextra_ {
_querytypeselection_ {
_formquerytypesimpleselection_ {
_formquerytypeadvancedselection_ {
# this one is not used by english.dm any more. But I have added it back for the other languages that haven't updated the translations for their form search macros.
_formquerytypeselection_ {